Chapter 39: The Death Of A Guardian

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~2 Days Until The Prophecy~



Alex fell to his knees by Professor Dwiggin, who was lying on the couch, a wet cloth on his forehead and the smell of disinfectant in the air.

"Alexander! My dear boy!" choked Professor Dwiggin as he tried to sit up, but Felicity pushed him back down, her face strict.

"Professor, we've been through this. You can't sit up." she huffed, pushing him back down lightly and re-adjusting the cloth on his face.

Alex gave her a 'thank you' look and she mouthed a "We'll talk later" to him. She walked off and swung an arm around Rosaline, and they headed down into the secret room, leaving Alex and Professor Dwiggin alone.

"Professor, what happened?" Alex asked after a few moments of painful silence.

Professor Dwiggin sighed.

"It was Immundus, Alexander. Immundus tricked me, out of all people! I, the Great Professor Dwiggin of Baltimore, tricked by such a fool!" he scoffed.

Alex shook his head.

"I'll kill him. I'll kill him for doing this to you-"

Professor Dwiggin coughed.

"I don't have much time Alexander. Immundus poisoned me with dark magic, I shall be soon gone-"

"What? No Professor! I won't allow it!" he yelled angrily, gripping the old man's hand tightly.

Professor Dwiggin just chuckled weakly.

"I have things to say to you, my boy. Listen to me. I am to die, for I drank from the wrong bottle, and now I am destined to pass at nearly one thousand years of age, but I have lived my life, and I have wisdom to pass down to you. You were always like a son to me Alexander, you were always my little boy." he chuckled.

Feeling just like he was five years old again, Alex felt tears well up in his eyes. Professor Dwiggin couldn't die. He couldn't leave Alex when Alex needed him the most.

"Don't do this Professor. We can save you. Twink will brew something up for you." he whispered, sounding small.

Professor Dwiggin coughed.

"Nothing will save me now, silly boy. Just be quiet and listen." he huffed, and Alex fell silent.

"You are prepared for this Prophecy Alexander. More prepared than you will ever know. But you must believe it. Immundus hopes to throw you off by leaving you with no wings to guide you, but little does he know, that you already have your own wings." said Professor Dwiggin as he closed his eyes.

"Look after Miss Potts, as she is a fine girl, Alexander. I know well enough what her fate is, but you must do everything you can to make sure that she lives as long as she can. Don't forget to water the plants around the apartment, especially the poppies, I do love the colour of them..."


"Alexander, I am not quite finished yet." Professor Dwiggin sighed, waving a finger in his face, his eyes still closed.

"So where was I? Ah, yes! Water the poppies, look after Miss Potts, and look after yourself too, my dear boy. I promised your mother I would look after you until the day I died, and it seems I can die happily as I have fulfilled my duties. Alas, my work could mean nothing if you die during the Great Battle....but I am sure you will not fail to save the world!" he said, somewhat cheerfully.

Alex couldn't help it. Tears started to spill from his eyes.

"Thank you Professor. Thank you for looking after me. Thank you for staying with me after all these years." he whispered. Memories flashed by like scenery from the view of a train window, and that is how Alex spent the final moments with Professor Dwiggin. He talked and talked about all the adventures they had together until his throat became scratchy. He talked about the picnic with the warlocks, he talked about the journey to the West Mountains, and eventually he talked about how he was going to take on the future when this was all over.

"Goodbye Alexander. I'm afraid I must leave you." Professor Dwiggin murmured as he took one last almighty breath and then he was no more than just a dead body, lying peacefully on the couch.

"Professor? Professor!" cried Alex as he shook the old man. For the first time in his entire lifetime. Alex looked at the Professor and realised how old he looked. He was covered in wrinkles like a raisin, and his hands were withered like branches of a tree in Winter. His beard was a sad length, but his cloak remained as clean and pristine as always.

"Professor....." Alex sobbed, resting his head on the old man's chest and crying into the only person who had bothered to take on the role of his guardian.

News would spread later that night that the Great Professor Dwiggin of Baltimore was dead, and many would mourn quietly to themselves, as there was no time for a proper burial at a time like this, as the Prophecy was only days away, and Immundus was sure to kill anybody who came to pay their respects.

But Alex cried, and when Felicity slipped out of the door leading towards the secret room, Alex fell into her outstretched arms, and she held him like kid who just lost their parent. She didn't say anything, because she knew, and Alex was sure Professor Dwiggin gave her a talk beforehand.

So Alex sat there like a lost puppy in Felicity's arms, and then Rosaline, Jack, Twink, Rian and Zack joined the hug, and they all cried together because, no matter who you were, you always loved and respected Professor Dwiggin. To Alex, he always seemed indestructible and invincible, like nobody could really kill him.

But Immundus could.

Immundus killed the Great Professor Dwiggin.

And he was going to pay dearly for it.


A/N: Sad times :(

The gif makes me sad....


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