Chapter 46: The Final Battle

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"Well, well, well, isn't this....unexpected." said Immundus, his red eyes glinting though the smoke of the boulders.

"You and I....hmmm...I always imagined Alexander being the one to face me off in the final battle, but apparently, fate has different ideas." he chuckled.

The battle around her had fallen silent as both sides cleared the way, neatly circling the two of them as they watched in a frightened silence.

"Immundus." she said, standing up and retrieving her sword from the ground.

He gave her a cold smile.

"Felicity Potts" he said, flicking his wrist and sending her flying into the pile of boulders.

She hit it with a sickening crunch and crumpled to the ground.

"You think that you can defeat me? You think that a puny, little, Necromancer like you could take me on? I am your worst nightmare. I am what makes children scream at night. I am your worst fear." he cackled as she stumbled to her feet, her leg starting to ache again.

"I'm not afraid of you!" she said loudly, trying to stand up straight.

"You may not be afraid of me," he said raising a pale hand.

"But Felicity Potts, you are very, very afraid of death."

And that was when she charged at him, and he charged at her, both of them sprinting full force at each other. She gasped as he sent the first sparks at her, green sparks to be precise, and she deflected it with her sword. It bounced off it and hit a rock, turning it black before being disintegrated altogether.

She gulped, realising that could have been her.

"Scared yet?" taunted Immundus, sending her flying once again with his telekinesis.

"Never!" she howled as she stood up, limping forward and driving her sword into the ground, opening the earth up once more.

But she was still weak from the last attack on Alex, and the earth didn't fully open up the way she wanted it to, and Immudus laughed with delight at her weak attacks and attempts.

"You think I don't know about your little tricks Felicity? You think I haven't been watching you too?" he asked.


He sent her flying into a buliding this time, an if it wasn't for her armour, her spine would have been snapped like a twig. Stars burst behind her eyes and she whimpered as she slumped to the ground again.

But Immundus wasn't finished yet.

He flew over to her, his cape billowing behind him.

"You are a disappointment, Felicity Potts. You call yourself a Captain, yet you can hardly save yourself, let alone an entire army. It's pathetic."

"I-I..." she gasped as he picked her up by her throat, looking her in the eyes, a cruel smile on his face.

"I could kill you right now. It would be quick and fast, and the Prophecy will be completed. Oh how sweet a victory that would be. What do you think, Captain?" he sneered.

She squirmed in his grip, her body begging for oxygen.

"Answer me when I speak to you!" he bellowed, tossing her to the ground once more, leaving her shaking and gasping.

"I-I think that you will never win!" she replied her eyes blazing.

He laughed.

"And why is that?"

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