Chapter 53: What Happened Next

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"W-What j-just happened..."

"Shhh....just....just sit still for a sec."

"Alex what is wrong with me? Why was I dreaming about you dying? Why did everything feel so real?"

Alex sighed tiredly and wrapped a blanket around Felicity's shaking body.

"It's called a Nightmare curse." he said quietly, sitting down beside her own the couch and putting a soothing arm around her. She snuggled into his chest, and he smiled slightly at the gesture, but the smile faded as he remembered what he had to tell her.

"My ex-demon...he put as curse on you, as you know." he said his voice grim.

"Basically, you get trapped in your own nightmares if someone doesn't go into them with you."

She shuddered against him.

"I don't know if I can live like that." she whispered, but Alex shook his head.

"Yes you can. We've been through a lot Felicity, we can fight through this." he said, kissing her head.


Then he heard a sniffle.

"I miss everyone." she whispered, her voice small.

Alex sighed deeply.

"I know."

"J-Jack told me to tell you that...that he would have waited for you." she choked out suddenly, throwing him off guard.

Alex frowned.


"He....He loved you Alex. And I'm not talking about bromance, I'm talking about actual love love."

"Oh." said Alex quietly, not really quite knowing what to say.

"I forgot to tell you. He wanted me to tell you." she sobbed.

Alex nodded silently, digesting the new and frankly, shocking information. His mind flashed back to that one time back in the Winter of eighteen-sixty-eight when Jack had taken him to that one party....

"We kissed once." he blurted out, and Felicity looked up at him, her gold eyes burning with curiosity.

"It was centuries ago....back when being gay wasn't accepted....I-I didn't think Jack had felt anything after we had kissed, but obviously I was wrong." he admitted, feeling a weight being lifted off his shoulders.

"I was never really into him that was just an accident."

Felicity squeezed his hand.

"I'm glad you told me." she said, and he let out a little breath of relief.

"I've never really told anyone."

"And you don't have to."

She leaned in and kissed him, pulling him on top of her, skin meeting skin. He groaned and kissed her back, the usual feeling of lust igniting within him.

But then the door opened and an exhausted and unhealthy looking Twink stepped in.

"Hey guys." she said, her voice emotionless.

They both sat upright and stared at her.

Her hair was faded from the usual bubblegum pink to nearly a type of gingery-blonde. Dark circles were around her eyes, and she was wearing one of Jack's weird slogan-ed t-shirts. Her duck slippers gave Alex the illusion that Twink hadn't been out since the battle.

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