Chapter 50: Dial Tones And Dark Symbols

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She sat alone at her kitchen table, a Nirvana mug clutched in her hand, and her eyes glued to the blank wall in front of her. The warmth had well leeched out of the tea by now, but her mind was too preoccupied to boil the kettle again.

The lights were dimmed in her apartment, and rain tapped on her window like little pellets. For some miraculous reason, her and Alex's apartment block had remained untouched and undamaged from the war. It was strangely comforting, but uncomfortable all the same.

She nearly felt normal again, sitting in the low light.

But no.

Fliss knew better.

She knew that things would never be normal again, because normal meant that half the people she loved were still alive and still breathing. Normal meant that they were still laughing and still smiling. The fact that they were gone was too much for her to accept. The weight of the war weighed heavily on her shoulders.

She started to shake-not from the cold-but from the eerie feeling of a cool throbbing pain in her heart.

For the fifth time that night, she felt her eyes drift towards the clock.


She needed to call Alex.

She needed him here with her.

Fliss set her mug on the table and stood up before padding over towards the phone, her feet so quiet on her apartment tiles that it was as if she were gliding on ice.

She picked up the phone and with shaking hands, she dialled Alex's number quickly.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.

Four rings.

Five rings.


His voicemail played.

"Hi, it's Alex, but I guess you already know that though....Jack! Stop laughing you fat fuck! Anyway, sorry I couldn't take your call at the moment, but leave a message, and I'll get back to you soon!"

Fliss bit her lip as the phone beeped, indicating that she could leave a message.

She took a shaky breath.

"H-Hi Alex. It's Fliss here. Look, I was just calling to see if you're....alright after today. If there's anyway you could....come over that would be great." she whispered into the phone.

She pressed the button and shut her eyes as she placed the phone back into the holder. Tears started to drip down her cheeks.

"You're wasting your time with him you know."

Fliss screamed and opened her eyes, only to find that there was a random man sitting on her window sill, hie eyes completely black.

"Recognise me, sweetheart?" he sneered, swinging his legs like a little kid.

She wiped away her tears with the back of her sleeve and out on a brave face.

"The Demon that possessed my boyfriend for a couple of centuries, then killed half of my friends. Yes, I recognise you, you sick, sick, sick bastard." she hissed, folding her arms, unimpressed.

She narrowed her eyes into thin slits as the Demon sighed.

"I can't help what I am, Felicity." it said, it's voice sounding tired.

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