Chapter 27: Last Kiss

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~12 Days Until The Prophecy~


"She doesn't remember me! She doesn't remember anything! This is all my fault!" he yelled angrily, sending books flying all over the secret room.

"If I had of just taken my head out of my ass, she would be okay!"


"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"




"Alex stop!"

Alex looked up and saw Rosaline shaking her head at him. Twink was scowling at him too, clutching a book in her hand.

Zack was oblivious to the whole thing though, sitting on the couch, eyes closed, his glasses crooked on his face, To Kill A Mockingbird open on his chest.

"Flinging books around isn't going to bring her back, Alex." Twink said tiredly.

"She's got a point you know." Rosaline chipped in, making Alex scowl.

"Look, no offence, but you guys are being no help whatsoever." he huffed, folding his arms.

Twink rolled her eyes.

"And what are we supposed to do Alex? You've heard the news yourself, she's with Eugene! And as far as she's concerned, they're going out!"

Alex clenched his fists.

"When I find Eugene I'm gonna—"

"No you're not 'gonna' do anything, because Eugene used to be our friend!"

Alex laughed humourlessly.

"He was our friend back in nineteen-fourteen when we saved his sorry ass from the trenches in World War One, before he betrayed us and joined Immundus!"

"He's still one of us Alex. He just needs to be talked some sense into."

"Just because you have a crush on the lying weasel—"

"Don't you dare call Eugene a lying weasel! He's just trying to stay alive by doing what Immundus is saying!"

"Well he shouldn't have joined the wrong side!"

"Wrong side? Alex, at this stage, it looks like your side is the wrong side because well, you're losing!"

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