Chapter 25: Better Off Dead

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~13 Days Until The Prophecy~


Alex sighed as he lay in his bed, Rosaline sleeping soundly beside him. This wasn't supposed to happen. He hadn't meant to sleep with Rosaline. It had been decades since he had. But last night, the idea of having her again sounded so good, he couldn't pass it up.

But he shouldn't have done it.

What was he supposed to tell Felicity? She had been right after all. She was always right. It was one of the most prominent traits about her.

He sighed again, rolling over to face away from the angel.

It wasn't as if he and Felicity were something though. She had said it herself, that even if they were to date, it would be pointless. He was to be dead in thirteen days anyway.

He pushed the thought away to the back of his mind again. No, nobody could know about his plan to sacrifice himself for Felicity. If anyone did, they would try to stop him, including the girl herself. He jumped out of bed, suddenly remembering the fact that he needed to be with her.

He had an apology to make.

He pulled on a t-shirt and jeans, wrote a note to Professor Dwiggin, gave Rosaline one last look and then he was gone, shadow travelling to her apartment—but when his feet landed on the familiar oak wooden floor, he knew there was something wrong.

The apartment was empty, but not just the usual empty.

It was literally empty. No furniture, not even an easel in sight.

It was as if nobody had been living here.

"Uh oh." Alex said quietly, staring at the blank, white walls.

"It appears that I have once again, fucked up."

It wasn't until five minutes later that Alex lost it and started to rip the place apart, desperately searching for any trace of Felicity.

He sent the shadows through the walls, he sent them through the cracks of the wooden floor, but there was nothing to be found, not even a trace of her anywhere. It was as if she had disappeared off the face of the earth.

"You're never going to find her if you keep doing what your doing."

Alex whipped around and saw Jack, leaning against the wall, his arms folded.

Alex growled.

"You! You were supposed to be protecting her! I trusted you! Professor Dwiggin trusted you!"

Jack stood upright, his chilled expression becoming annoyed.

"Don't go blaming me for your mistakes! She never came home last night! I would have smelled her if she did...." He trailed off looking....looking wistful.

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