☁︎ Birthday - Victor x Reader

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You pranced about the manor in cheerful mood. It was Christmas Eve, and Emily with a few others had prepared a dashing feast to celebrate! You and everyone else had chowed down good and plenty, however the Mercenary was getting scolded by Emily and Martha for not picking up any vegetables to eat.

Despite the rowdiness for opening presents tomorrow, it was also Victors birthday! You had been anticipating this day ever since he arrived, and you would be sure to be the first to wish him a happy birthday.

"I-it's almost Christmas can't you just leave me alone and not get me a gift!?" You turned your head and seen you could see a very disgruntled Naib being forced to eat at least a spoon full of vegetables by Emily the Martha. "(Y/n)!" The Doctor noticed and made her way to you, "What is it?" She gave you a smile and placed an arm around you, a sign to keep walking. "I'm sure you know Victor's birthday is tomorrow?" You nodded as she looked around cautiously, making sure not to run into the blonde boy.

"Well, I was hoping I could trust you to let him know it's his birthday?" Your eyes widened. "Well, won't we have a party?" She smiled wearily. "Of course, but it's just... a birthday on any holiday is quite a struggle. Usually it is overshadowed with the seasonal events... I feel he would be to kind to let his birthday overshadow Christmas in the first place." You looked to your feet. She was right, Victor would probably make sure the recognition of his birthday would be short lived. "That's why I'd like to leave him to you."

"To me?"

"Yes. I'm aware you care very much for Victor." Though there was no teasing tone in her voice you flushed, and managed out a very shallow "oh".

The Doctor stifled a laugh. "I'm sure you'll be up for the task, I wouldn't ask you to do it if I didn't think you could Y'know." You nodded wearily. "Wh-where is he now?" The Doctor looked up and thought for a moment, before she smiled as if it clicked in her head. "I believe he took Wick out to play for a moment." You nodded vigorously and began your trek to the foyer, though your legs wobbled slightly in a nervous manner. "Oh and (Y/n)!" You turned on your heal with a hum, your flushed face apparent as the moon in a clear night sky. She smiled. "You'll be fine, and who knows maybe something will happen!"

Something will happen!!!?

You watched Emily walk away and you stood there with a frazzled face. You shook your head and refocused on Victor, he was your main task as of now! You took a deep breath, calming yourself, before opening one of the main doors to the cold outside.

Instantly the blonde noticed your presence and turned in shock. "H-hello!" You began to stammer your words and you quickly understood you were so out of place around him. He gave you a smile, he wasn't much a talker. "I heard you just came out to have Wick play in the snow for a bit?"

"Y-yes." He turned back to watch the small dog frolic in the shallow puffs of winter. "Oh! Your birthday is tomorrow huh? That's exciting!" You clasped your hands together but noticed in an instant your chilled hands. Ah- you were to embarrassed to even think to grab a coat or gloves... you beckoned your eyes back to Victor and fought the urge to shiver.


You noticed a hesitance in his voice, not only to speak, but about his birthday. "Is something the matter" He lowered himself to sit on one of the stair. It didn't seem he wasn't to happy as of now. You spoke softer, as maybe you were just being loud and annoying, but didn't know. "Aren't you excited?"

He shook his head, so gentle you almost couldn't tell. "How come?" In all honesty you never thought someone could ever not anticipate their birthday. It had gifts, family and friends! But, you were sure Victor had his reasons, so you would listen carefully.

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