☁︎ Reading - Aesop x Reader x Joseph

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It was raining, very hard, so no matches were being held today. Everyone just settled in the main room near the fireplace and drank coffee. Though it seemed like a nice mood, you wanted to do more than just sit. Aesop seemed to notice your subtle behavior. He came up behind you and tapped your shoulder gently. You looked behind you into his silver eyes. You always tried to talk to him so you could see them. You guessed that was how he became comfortable around you. "Would you like to come to the library with me?" His deep voice was shy and smooth as his eyes shifted nervously around. "We have a library?" You asked, standing up so he could start walking you there. He simply nodded. "I never knew... well thanks for taking me." You caught up to him and smiled. He blushed when he looked down at you, but quickly retraced his eyes on the halls you were both walking.

You finally made it to large double doors after a couple minute walk. You felt your heartbeat get quicker for no reason, and you heard Aesop's rise as well. Though he didn't seem phased by it as he opened the doors. You followed closely behind him and stuck to him like a scared puppy. "It's okay." He put his arm around you to make you feel better as you both walked in, and were instantly greeted. "Ah, hello Aesop." You seen the Geisha walk up to you. "Hello Michiko." Aesop replied. She then looked at you and smiled. "You've brought a friend!" She slowly made her way to you and kneeled, feeling your fear rise. You no longer heard Aesop's heartbeat anymore, had he calmed down? "Hello dear, have you come to read?" She have you a closed eye smile before opening them again to see you nod. "Well I'm Michiko, us Hunters also come here to read so do not be alarmed if you catch one of us here. It's prohibited to hunt Survivors on these grounds if it makes you ease up a little." You gave a soft smile to her. She was really nice to you, so you did calm yourself down a bit.

Your eyes caught what appeared to be a child with a sack over his head. You've been rarely matched with him. Michiko looked behind her when the boy tugged on her sleeve and handed her a book. "This one?" He nodded. "Okay. Also, Robbie this is..." "(Y/n)." You said. "(Y/n)! She'll be here as well from now on, so don't worry when you see her here." He looked at the Geisha before looking at you. He steadily walked up to you and put his arms out. "Upsies?" You questioned. He nodded vigorously. Aesop let go of you so you could walk closer to the boy, before Michiko States her confusion. "Is that what that is? I always thought he just wanted a hug..." She seemed disappointed in herself for not knowing, as if she was his mother.

You gave a soft laugh as you picked him up and placed him on your hip. "Like that?" You asked him. He nodded again, seemingly happier than a second ago. "My my (Y/n), you're really good with kids." Michiko said. You gave her a weary smile and turned to Aesop. "Sorry, I must've been keeping you from reading." He shook his head. "It's okay, it was a nice little moment." You then gestured to Michiko with Robbie. "I'm sure it's funner to be held by Michiko, she's a lot taller than I am." The boy seemed hesitant but obliged as Michiko picked him up. He must've acted so, since you gave of warmth and the hunters did not since- y'know- they're dead.

"This way now." Aesop said, taking your hand and waking further into the library. "What do you like to read?" You thought to yourself a moment. "I like romance and fantasy a lot." He stopped walking and turned to you. "I know someone who knows where all those books are. Though he's a hunter, want to still go and ask?" If you were gonna spend the rest of the day and possibly night here, might as well make it good. You nodded shyly, a bit nervous. "Okay." it was strange to see how you both traded attitudes when you got here. He had become more confident while you shriveled down more than usual. You guessed since you were knew here and the Hunters were here. He was used to them, and was comfortable just being in a place like this.

He tightened his grip on your hand and continued the walk but in a different direction. "I think he might be over here..." And before you knew it you came face to face with the Photographer. You remember him letting you go a few times before. He stared down at you two, specifically you though, as he didn't wear his long coat but instead just a vest. Probably because he had not seen you out of match before, his gaze lingered on you for a while before greeting you. "Hello there." He said sweetly. He smiled just how Michiko did. Perhaps the Hunters weren't as bad as the others would tell you. Maybe because it was Martha, Kreacher, and Naib, who got to see the worst side of the hunter do to their kiting skills. Nonetheless they seemed very kind hearted. "(Y/n) wants to read romance and fantasy books, do you know any for her?" Aesop seemed to get straight to the point, not liking the gaze the taller man gave you. "Of course." He looked at you and knelt on his knee. "I'll pick out good ones for you, mon chéri." He gestured you to follow him and you obliged, but Aesop kept his hand locked into yours. "I'll come with you." He said, you nodded sweetly to him, appreciating the gesture.

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