☁︎ Safe - Sharkbite Naib x Reader

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You were only going to visit your Father, and this is what happens to you instead? Your legs submerged in the cold ocean water as you panicked to keep yourself above the freezing liquid. You did manage to stay afloat with a piece of wood from the used to be boat. You shook with fear and coldness, shrinking your body together as you ignored the lifeless body's around you. You squeezed your eyes shut, anything to feel like you were keeping warm, when in reality you knew quite well you were going to freeze to death.

You were about to release your eyes when you heard a water shift in front of you. Your (E/c) eyes opened and you almost screamed. A shark-? Or- a boy...? Whatever it was you kept your mouth shut and didn't try to swim away. You wouldn't make it away and you'd probably freeze faster. The thing only kept its nose above water as it looked at you, though you couldn't see it's eyes. "C-can I h-help you?" You asked, but couldn't help but shiver.

It seemed surprised at your choice of words but inched closer. "Are you cold?" He asked, his voice deep and almost sympathetic. You were shocked it knew how to talk, but you answered. "Yes, I think I might freeze to death." You kept your eyes on him as he was now maybe 5 inches from you. You seen his hand come out of the water, it was blue like he had been in the ocean for years. He seen the confusion and worry in your eyes. "Warm." Was all he said, pushing his hand to you.

Your eyes flicked from him to his hand, as you hesitantly grabbed it. Surprise took over you as his hand warmed your own, it was unbelievable. He looked like he would be freezing but it was the complete opposite. "Better?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. "It is a little better thank you, but I'm afraid I'll still die." You wearily smiled at him and he only seemed dissatisfied. He let go of your hand and you were upset the small amount of warmth was gone. But instead he swam around you and placed his body around yours. You were debating if you were just having illusions from dehydration and the hot feeling was actually just hypothermia. "Warmer?" You nodded. You actually believed you would last a bit longer like this. "This is a nice death present." You sighed closing your eyes. "I don't want you to die though, that's the point of keeping you warm." The shark complained. You turned your head back as much as you could. "Why? I'm a human, I'll die any minute now if I stay here. But I am grateful for your kindness to me now." He seemed to pout, not having any comebacks for that. You were right, about being human. Humans are fragile and weak, they can only take so much.

He started pulling you off your lifeline and you panicked. "W-Wait! What're you doing?" He stopped and looked at you. "Saving. I'll take you to land." He placed a hand on your cheek and smiled. You felt your face heating up as you couldn't take your eyes off of him. You gently let him release you from the floating debris, and placed you on his back. Warmth tracked through your body as you held onto him but the cold water also made you drowsy. "I'm Naib." You hummed. "Nice to meet you. I'm (Y/n)." You actually we're getting quite tired as you rested your head on the back of his. "I like that name." He must not talk to people a lot as his speech was very bland and empty. Your eyes started to close as you wrapped your arms around Naib tighter. He was your lifeline now and you trusted him enough to fall asleep.


"Miss please wake up!" A muffled voice that sounded miles away called to you. Was it for you? You weren't sure. You were so tired, could the voice be quiet please? "Miss?" Your eyes squished at the bright sunlight, but they fluttered open. You were terribly cold was your first thought. "Thank goodness you're okay!" Your eyes shifted to that familiar voice from earlier. A nurse? Now that you took notice, you were in some kind of clinic. "What happened?" You said, holding your head as it started to ache. "You were washed up on shore, cold but still breathing. We transferd you here as quick as we could." Your memories started to slowly drift back to you. "W-was there anyone else?" The woman shook her head sadly. She probably thought you were with family, and they had drowned in the ocean. But that wasn't the case. You were looking for him.

In an eager attempt to find your savior you kicked off the sheets, feeling incredibly weak but you didn't care. You threw your legs over the side of the bed and stood up, only to start wobbling. "Miss please sit down, you're still recovering!" The nurse came over and helped you sit down. "When can I leave?" You asked quickly to her surprise. "W-well, I'm sure if your recovery is quick, you could leave by tonight." Desperation crossed your face, and the nurse only sighed. That wasn't enough time, what if he left this area by now. But the nurse seemed to pity your expression. "Maybe in 30 minutes, but you must be able to walk properly." You smiled and instantly started to stretch, preparing to walk. She left you at that, and you were walking fine after a while.

Eventually you changed your clothes into something the nurse had gathered up for you and made your way out of the room. Passing doctors and other nurses you stood tall and healthy as to not raise any eyebrows at your sudden exit. Once you made it outside though you felt dizzy, but your first thought was the ocean, as you walked to the docks. Only then did you realize you must have been asleep for many hours, as night was coming in. Discourage hit you like a truck. It had almost been an entire day. If Naib was still here, he could've been caught, or worse killed.

Street lights were lit and you continued your speedy walk, but once you reached the end of the dock, it was so dark you could barely see. Would you be able to find him? Ripples of water came from the dock you stood on and you looked down. "Ah- Naib?" You looked around before kneeling and leaning towards the cold water. "Hello." He said looking up at you.

A wave of relief came over you as you fell to your knees in happiness. You were smiling, but he questioned the tears that left your eyes. "Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" He asked, lifting up his top half into the deck to make sure you were okay. His hand, the same one that gave you the warmth you needed to survive a little longer when you were freezing to death in the ocean, lifted to your face. And there is was again, the unbelievable warmth from him.

You enjoyed it so much so that you placed your own hand on his. He flinched at first at your contact, how you willingly held him closer to you even if it was just his hand. But the size of it cupped about your cheek perfectly. "I'm okay." You mustered our, wiping your eyes. "I-I'm just happy." You started crying again but your sobs had stopped.

"You don't look happy." His deep voice contradicted your words, and he pushed himself up so he was sitting next to you now. Both his hands held your face now as he lifted your head to look at him. This time you seen his whole face, his red eyes glowing like a demon, but the boy was as sweet as sugar.

"Sorry." He said nonchalantly, as he closed the space between you both. It was so strange how the warmth did not travel to his lips, as they were cold and made you shiver but your own warmed them up in no time. He must've enjoyed the warmth as he held you closer and leaned in more. Luckily he was a well behaved guy and stopped before he couldn't hold back.

"I just really wanted to do that." He said, his thumb tracing over your no longer innocent lips. You were actually very passive at the moment. The shock of his actions had taken its toll on you for a short minute before you started blushing and waving your hands. "N-no it's okay, I really enjoyed it." Your mind was everywhere as you said that, not even realizing your confession of how much you enjoyed the kiss he gave you.

He looked surprised, I mean, how does think you feel? Kissing a stranger who saved your life who can actually breath under water and- I'm gonna stop. "Really!?" He asked, and you simply nodded. His shocked expression switched to a smile of glee. "I'm happy you did." He turned to the cold ocean waters. All of a sudden a look of grief arrived on his face.

"I wish I could stay with you." He said. You realized that it would be totally strange for this guy to walk around town, not to mention you don't know if he could actually live on land forever. "I do to..." You leaned on him. "I'll come to the dock everyday then." He said, turning to you smiling. You looked up. "Really? Yes please!"

You sat up and he laughed a little before going back into the chilly waters. "Come close." He said, so you did, bending down below the docks to see his face. With a quick peck of the lips you jumped back with a blush as he pushed away from the land with a snicker. He licked his lips all while staring at you, making sure you saw.

"H-hey-!" "Bye! I love you!" He said before disappearing into the waves, leaving you as red as an apple, and holding your mouth. "I love you too."

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