♠︎ Rejection - Aesop x Reader

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Can I do you guys a sad this one shot?


It's gonna happen anyways qwq

Aesop stood outside of the door, flowers spread on the cold, tile floor as he shook. His silver eyes blurred as tears came through, though he stayed silent with a hand muffling his cries. "Can you believe he likes me? I'm obviously on an extremely higher level than him!" Snobby laughter came from behind one of the doors of the manor, mainly the kitchen. "C'mon Vera, I mean, everyone knows he doesn't match up to your standards, but you've got to give people a chance." Martha's voice was heard after the Perfumer's. Aesop clutched his heart and started to walk to his room, it already being so late. He was going to come forward with his affection of the fashionable girl but it seemed it would have been best to leave it alone. He knew she was of higher expectations, but he had hope.

On his way to his room he had run into a young girl. Her (H/L) hair caught his eye as it flowed behind her. "Hello Aesop!" You hades held feelings for Aesop since you first seen him. His looks, personality, and voice were so wonderful. Though you knew his crush on Vera was strong, so you never shot your shot.

He didn't reply and only kept walking before giving the smallest glance. "Aesop? Is something the matter?" You asked, now walking beside him. He turned away from you, unable to stop his tears. "Hello, Y/n..." He mumbled. You knew his voice so well, that you detected the slightest crack of pitch in that sentence. "Hey, are you okay?" You grabbed his hand gently and he stopped, but did not turn his head. "I'm fine." You squeezed his large hand in your small one. You weren't one he would tell everything. He would usually tell Vera, despite her obvious boredom of his problems. "Aesop? Please tell me what's bugging you." You went behind him and gave him a small hug, your cheek on his back. "If I do, I don't want to do it out here." He said quietly. You nodded and let go of him as he softly grabbed your hand and lead you to his room.

When you got there, he locked the door behind him to make sure no one would mindlessly barge in. You sat on his bed and he did the same. It was a few minutes of silence before you heard his deep voice sigh. "I'm sure you and everyone know about my... feelings for Miss Neir." You nodded, and let him continue. "Well, I-." He seemed to be getting choked up. "It's okay, it'll be between you and me, promise!" You put out your pinky and smiled to him. He looked at you, his panicked expression softening. He hesitated before raising his own pinky, and locking it with yours. You gently shook them, and his eyes closed happily.

He took his hand back and took a deep breath. Talking about one's feelings about someone is challenging, especially like this, when the other party feels affection for the rejected one. "I was going to tell Miss Neir how I felt tonight. I picked the most beautiful followers that reminded me of her with the help of Miss Woods." His eyes had been staring into nothingness, but now they lowered onto the ground. His hands clenched his pants as he shakily spoke. "However as I got close to where she was at, I couldn't help but over hear... how... unsuitable I am for her. I knew I wasn't, but I wasn't ready to hear it, especially from herself." His eyes seemed to get watery again as he tried to hold back his sobbing. But he couldn't as he pulled his mask down and took a deep breath. He lowered his head into his hands and sobbed. "I already knew..."

Seeing him like this... you felt your heart tear apart into a million pieces. Seeing him cry into his hands and saying how he wasn't good enough. It was enough to send you into tears. However, you couldn't let him know now. His emotions were already a mess. "A- Aesop..." You scooted closer to him, placing your hands on his back. He looked up through the corner of his eye. "Please don't cry-... it hurts to see you like this." So much for holding back your tears. His eyes widened at your expression of hurt. "Hey, why are you crying?" He asked worried. "Because you're crying." You sobbed but kept your composure. "I-I'm sorry." He cried back. You shook your head and started wiping your tears. "No- it's not your fault. I'm just a huge cry baby." You gave him the best smile you could muster, and his hands slid onto your cheeks. "It's okay to cry, (Y/n). I just wish it wasn't I who made you cry, especially so frantically." You blushed and you felt your heart speed up, hoping it wasn't loud enough for him to hear. You wish you could tell him you loved him right then and there. But in his eyes, he still longed for Vera.

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