☁︎ New Years Kiss|2021 - Naib X Reader

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"Eli and I read some of your fortunes!" The horned girl grabbed most of her peers attention, including yours. "For the new year?" Tracy asked, her hands balled with excitement. Fiona nodded triumphantly and Eli stood by nervously. "Alright! Emily!" The Doctor jumped and a look of discomfort laced her features. "Good health!" Emily sighed to herself before smiling and placing her hand on her chest relived.

And as interesting as hearing just about everyone's fate was, you grew tired. You were one of the ones who had put the manor together with decor, and even helped with the snacks. "Where are you off to Miss (L/n)?" You jumped and turned to the holder of that smooth voice. "Oh- Aesop! I was just going to take a walk. It's so loud in there and I'm just not up for it-..." The Embalmer was quiet for a moment before he closed his eyes softly. "Of course, take your time and relax." He then walked past you and you watched him go off with a smile.

You let out a deep breath. Take your time? You sure will-! You were always excited for New Years but this year... it felt off. Usually your parents would get everything ready and you simply had to enjoy the festivities. But at this manor your family was nowhere to be found. So you walked, and walked, a wishful yet impossible hope that you would perhaps run into your mother or father.

But as you traversed the manor, you instead ran into someone who was nothing like your parents. "Oh, s-sorry!" You said in a panic. You had wandered around to the glass doors leading outside, hoping the cool air would give you some sense of relief but it was already occupied. The Mercenary turned back to you and as usual his face was bored and he wore a scowl. "I don't own the terrace." He turned back around, and as harsh as those words he spoke seemed, they were an invitation. Of course Naib wouldn't blatantly ask you (or anyone for that matter) to join him, so that was the best he could do.

"Right..." You walked out and closed the doors behind you, butterflies in your stomach. To be honest with yourself, Naib was... a strange case. You weren't sure how you even began to feel the way you did around him, considering his cold demeanor and distance. But for some reason you were always by him when you had the chance, and when he was okay with it of course. "What are you doing out here?" His husky voice asked and you stood by his sitting form. "I just wanted some air." You said, refraining form telling your real troubles and sleepiness to the man. He hummed. "What about you, Naib?" He leaned over the terrace and pointed. "I'm watching those idiots try and prepare the fireworks."

Your eyes widened as you took a couple steps forward and looked down to see Luca, Tracy and Victor set up fireworks... well, try to. They were babbling like no tomorrow about where they should go, and shouting at Luca to be careful with the matches. "Ah, what a show." You smiled at the scene. The Mercenary glanced over at your face, your cheeks and nose becoming a soft tint of red from the cold. "Sit down." He mumbled out.

"I- the other chair is wet though..." You glanced to the free chair, the snow having melted and creating a slight puddle around itself. The Mercenary didn't even look, as if he already knew it wasn't usable. "Here." You turned your attention back to him as he leaned back and patted his leg. What? "I- Uhm! Are you sure?" Your face lit up like the long awaited fireworks and he only hummed.

Ahh, this was so weird. You were never the type who was popular, or had many friends so you just weren't used to so much... 'upfront-ness'. You scooted closer before sitting best you could on the mercenary without taking to much space. "Are you comfy?" He rested his chin on his hand, and looked the complete opposite direction of you. You hummed, and nodded despite the fact he couldn't see you. "I-I'm good!" It seemed he was tense, after you seen his shoulders relax and a sigh coming from his lips. "That's good."

You sat there... painfully. Painful and awkward- it was so quiet besides the bickering below. How long were you meant to sit here? Not that you had a problem with it of course! But... did Naib really not mind?

Your eyes had been concentrated on nothing in particular but a few trees in the distance, and your ears, on the gentle voices. If you forgot about sitting on Naib's leg for the time being, you felt this would actually be quite peaceful... BUT YOU COULDN'T HELP IT- How on earth were you supposed to relax like this? What was even his intent? What is happening??? "(Y/n)"

"Yes!?" You jumped and the Mercenary turned to you. "It's time." Time? Time for what!? He waved you back, so you stood up quickly and clasped your hands. Bummer, you were sorta hoping that you could stay with him longer, as awkward as it was... "R-right! It's late, so you should be getting to bed now huh?" Your smile and closed eyes hid the panic you felt talking to him, afraid you'd slip up a word. "Let's watch first..." He turned his head back, and you remembered. The fireworks!

You shuffled to the edge and looked over the balcony. It seems the three had actually settled on a spot for the fireworks and were crouched ready to light them. As most everyone who could tolerate the cold huddled outside and, before you knew it you heard a whistle and then a loud pop. "Ah, isn't this nice?" Your voice was soft and sweet, you weren't really asking anyone, maybe yourself mostly. However for the first moment since you arrived on the terrace, you had forgotten about Naib's presence. But, the longer your eyes gleamed at the fireworks, was just more time the Mercenary had to look at you.

He would never tell you that the loud booming sounds that echoed through the night sky, actually terrified him to his wits end. But his gaze on you seemed to muffle those sounds of terror, as his mind simply filled with the image of you. Your glazed eyes watching the colorful light show, your pink cheeks and gentle face. They said pictures spoke louder than words, and he took that literally tonight. Just looking at you, he couldn't even hear the loud explosions of chemicals in the sky.

He let out a breath, before he mustered his own courage and leaned over to you.

Your eyes caught a glimpse of his movements and you turned, just for him to place a soft, cold kiss on your forehead. You jumped and flushed red, holding the spot where his lips grazed you. "Ah- Wh-what!?" He took your completely red face as a good sign, and turned, beginning to walk inside. "Happy New Years, (Y/n)." And he left you to yourself. Your eyes were wide and glimmering, with love overflowing your heart.

"Hey (Y/n)!" You flinched and quickly looked over the balcony to see Demi, it seems the others were unaware of your presence as they looked up as well. "Y-yes!?" Your hands on the railing, and cheeks still red, the Barmaid smiled and gave you a thumbs up. "I saw that!" The others around her began to question what she saw, as they were unaware. You on the other hand were out of sight as you crouched down in embarrassment.

And although you could hear the loud chatter and pestering of Demi, an uncontrollable smile lifted to your face as you thought about the delicate kiss the Mercenary gave you.

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