♠︎ Remembrance - Luca x Reader

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"Luca are you sure?" You walked beside the well dressed boy as he smiled. "I wouldn't want anyone else to come with me (Y/n)! You- make me feel at ease around such crowds." He nervously scratched the back of his head as he looked at you.

"I-if it makes you feel better, I'll definitely go!" You held his arm as you walked but he abruptly came to a stop. "Really!?" He turned to you with an ecstatic look, one you admired. You held feelings for Luca, yet in your opinion, he was way out of your league. He was smart and had lots of integrity. You were quiet and only did what you were comfortable with. You were complete opposites, yet you loved him. If only you could tell him.

"Mhmm, I'll go-!" He released your arm to quickly pick you up and spin you around. "Oh thank you (Y/n)! I don't know what I'd do if you said no." Your face flushed and you also smiled back before he placed you back down. "Oh! I have nothing to wear!" You said sadly. None of your outfits were really meant for a ball party.

"That's okay! I'll buy you something!" He grabbed your hand tightly and ran along the sidewalks of many stores. Was he- going to buy you a dress? You blushed at the thought, but ignored it. You just enjoyed seeing him smile.


"Can I come in now?"

"I- I already said I'm not done Luca! Pl-please wait a minute more!" You fumbled with the frills of your gown and slid it on just in time as Luca barged in. "Luca-!"

Though he ignored your shout, and stared at you before he smiled. "You look beautiful-!" You blushed hesitantly. "Th-thank you." His compliment made your heart buzz with excitement and your stomach fluttered. He held his hand out to you and you reached for it slowly before your face contorted to embarrassment. "Wait! You totally just barged in without an invite!"

He jumped and put his hands up defensively. "N-no no no! I heard all the shuffling stop so I made a pretty good guess you were done and- you were!" He smiled wearily with a shake of his hands and you stared at him nervously. You looked past him and walked out with a pout.

"You were probably hoping to come in at just the right moment huh?"

He jogged up beside you and leaned over. "Maybe just a little."
You turned on your heel and hit him lightly. "Th-that's so weird-!" He laughed at your soft attacks against him. You stopped with a defeated sigh yet a smile spread across your face of amusement. He was so fun to be around, he made you so happy.

"Well," He opened the door to your home as you both walked out. "If it means anything, I really did mean what I said." Your face lit up and you nodded softly. "I- I know when you mean what you say Luca." You confirmed him of your understanding for his compliment earlier, and he let out a sigh of relief at it. "I'm glad you took it to heart, you really do look very beautiful." He egged you on, enjoying your flustered state. Admiration was thrown at you left and right you couldn't take it anymore, so you hooked his arm in yours and looked up. "Y-you're handsome tonight, too..."

His eyes widened and his showers of flattering remarks came to halt. All of a sudden your stomach dropped and you thought the worst as you tried to quickly recover it. "N-not that you don't look handsome all the time! I- I mean- you're okay- NO! You look so good- but-!"

He chuckled at your rambling, and smiled at you. "(Y/n)."


He stopped walking, which in turn stopped you. The anxiety creeped onto your back as he looked down at you. "I think you look beautiful all the time as well." Ah there it was. Your face flushed the brightest of reds as you quickly looked the other way. "Th-thank you!" You said clearly flustered.

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