♠︎ Gunfire - Naib x Reader

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I had put out a poll on Amino to decode wether the art had too much blood and they said it was fine so I'm sorry if it's actually kinda wack qwq (it will happen in little bit).

"Hey hey (Y/n)!" Your friend Camila skipped up to you before walking backwards to face you. You and some other groups of kids were currently walking to school. "Finish the homework?" She eyed you slyly as you nodded. "All of it." You said smiling, but as soon as you answered she leaned an arm over you. "Great~ mind if I copy?" You sighed with a small laugh. She never did her homework, and would always depend on you.

"Hmm I'm not sure~ maybe you should do it yourself for onc-!" You began joking before you and everyone around you heard a loud crack that echoed around the grey sky. More rapid sounds followed and almost as a born instinct, everyone picked up their pace.

"I'll lend it to you in study hall."


There was a war. It was very near your home town, and everyone knew it yet no one left. There was no where to go, and the highest temperature it would ever get here would be around 70°. It was better to stay, even with death just over the mountains.

You arrived, and you parted ways with your friend, having to go to your lockers. Most of the kids were silent when the loud bangs rang through the crevasses of the mountainside and smoke rose into the already grey colored sky.

You walked to class and the teacher taught through the distant bangs. You looked over through the window. You were in school, and less than just 2, maybe 3 miles away people were fighting for their lives.

Even dazed out though, you heard the sounds get louder and so did your teacher as her words became slow and weary. Soon enough she came to a stop as she told the class to stay put.

"Do you think they're gonna come here?"

"Are we safe?"

"Let's get outta here while we still can."

Camila walked up to your desk. "What'd ya thinks going on?" You looked at her with a supporting smile. "Not sure, we're probably fine thou-!" You did your best to comfort your fearful friend over the shuttering whispers of your classmates but they all abruptly stopped when a gun shot was heard so close by that your ears rung. Your eyes widened as your friend who you were just reassuring fell to the wooden floor as blood poured from her head.

Your classmates shouted and scrambled to the doors in panic as the glass of the windows shattered and you ducked down. You seen out of the corner of your eye Camila's body, yet you didn't look. You didn't want to.

Some of your peers made it out of the room, and others were shot through the windows trying to make it out. You almost made a run for it, as dumb as that choice was, but you were so scared you wanted to run straight home. Until a figure jumped through the shattered window and ducked right next to you. "Damnit."

Your eyes fearfully traced the gun in his hands and he didn't seem to notice you till you just about hopped away like a frightened bunny. But a hard yank on your wrist pulled you down when bunches of more shots barely missed you. "Ah-!" You covered your head, not knowing what else you could do to protect yourself. "You wanna die!?" You flinched at the harsh voice as you looked up. If you hadn't been in such a life threatening situation, you would've inquired on why this boy who seemed around the same age as you was in the army, but, as you said, you were probably about to die.

His green eyes focused on the reloading of his gun. His hands seemed to shake before lifting the gun over his head and shooting blindly before taking your wrist and running out of the room.

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