☁︎ Trust - Mike x Reader

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"This way!"

You followed your friend through the crowd of people, as if you had a choice. She practically dragged you to the front so you could have a perfect view. "This'll be so fun!" She eagerly hopped up and down as you stood by her nervously. You had never been to a circus, so the giant tent and all the bustling people looking for places to watch was all overwhelming. "A-aren't we to close?"

You turned your head nervously before your friend waved you off. "This is normally how close we stand, stop worrying so much!"

And you did, for the most part. The show began and it was subtle at first. Gymnastics, contortionist, things you would expect to see in a circus. You clapped for each one, as they all seemed to do their best to entertain all of the people who came to see. A couple clowns were sent out, mostly directing their attention to younger groups as you watched from afar. "Y'know for the grand finale they'll send out a whole lion!" You jumped and whipped your head around.

"A lion!? That sounds dangerous!"

She snickered at your blatant fear. "Don't worry, I've come here like three times and nothings ever went wrong." How reassuring. You sighed and looked up to watch the giddy children receive more animal balloons, but were now attracted to a boy juggling as close as he could to the many visitors. "Oohh." You couldn't help but voice your amazement at his balance to walk and skip all while juggling at the same time. "You really never went to any type of circus Huh?" You friend crossed her arms in shock. "N-no."

Your voice was soft and almost empty, but you were too focused on the boy coming around. He made eye contact with everybody he could, smiling constantly and every time you thought he couldn't smile any bigger he did. Eventually he made his way to the area where you stood, and maybe he saw your attracted eyes to the fun action he repeated over and over but he swiftly stepped over to you and your friend.

You jumped back out of instinct, but your friend pushed you back. "She's never been to a circus before y'know!?" She shouted over the music and chattering of people around to the boy. "Really? Is that true Miss?" He shouted back and you only nodded. How embarrassing, everyone on earth has probably went to a circus of some sort already and here you were for your first time. "Well later I'll make sure to do my best again for you! That way I'll be the best you've ever seen!"

"You're coming out again!?" Your eagerness shocked the boy before he smiled. "Yeah I've just got to get into a really fancy costume, you'll know it's me I'll come for you!" He smiled sweetly, like he had been doing the entire time but it felt different than usual despite just meeting him. "Come for me?" You shouted wearily, and his eyes popped open. "Oh right!"

He stopped his act, catching all the exciting patterned balls in one hand. "Lift your hand for me miss?" He asked, and you did so only for him to take it and lift you off your feet for a moment. "Oh yeah, you'll be light enough!" He smiled, before restarting his act and walking away.

"L-light enough?" You asked your friend who only shrugged. "Maybe they'll take you back to show you even more crazy stuff after the show!" You were enthralled with that idea but it also scared you. What more could they show you if a Lion was the grand finale. Speaking of which... "It's happening (Y/n)!" Your friend shook you front to back violently by the shoulders. "Wh-what?"

You turned to see a girl in shimmering red walk out in the middle of the circus. She approached the lion and you covered your eyes but your hands were quickly pulled away by your friend. Strangely the lion did not attack her but rather showed her affection. You showed your impression and clapped along with the other people, watching the blonde do tricks with the animal.

The woman seemed to look around before locking eyes with you, looked you up and down before waving her hand back with a decorative stick as she danced, but she lost her grip and it flew your way. You looked down at it, then at her. "Young Miss could you throw that back to me?" She said loudly, and you jumped before nodding. You wearily hopped over the rope and walked to the woman's prop, bending down to get it and when you stood up with it and smiled, you felt arms wrap around your waist.

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