☁︎ Mother? - Robbie "x" Reader

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You looked around the Hospital map eagerly to find a good place to kite, yet thick vines covered every inch of area. You panicked as you ran towards the shack and jumped the window. "I'm always found first geeze!" You whined to yourself.


You stopped and turned around. Robbie, the little boy who had been chasing you seemed to slip up when climbing through the window. He was sat on the floor, and small hands clasped around his ankle.

All of a sudden a strange instinct came over you that you could not ignore.

"Hey are you okay?" You ran to his small figure and crouched down. His breathing was shaky, as if he tried to suppress his wails. "It's okay! Just- let me help you." You spoke as softly as you could and he looked up to you in awe for a moment before letting go of his ankle. Your own hands gently grazed his leg and out baby pressure on what you thought was injured. "Does that hurt?" He nodded.

You backed up. "Can you stand?" He reached for his axe and pushed with his little arms yet to no avail could he support himself that good. "Well gee that's no good huh?" He paused before shaking his head no. "Don't worry though, we always come prepared!" You obtained a sweet tone of voice to comfort the boy.

You pulled out bandages from your pocket and began to wrap them tightly around his ankle. Finishing with a bow, you clasped your hands together. "That should help reduce some of the pain okay?" He nodded and made way to stand on his own again before you protested. "Oh! It's okay, I'll carry you! You can't do a lick of hunting when your hurt like that." You held pity for him. Did he even... like this game? He's still a child after all.

You shook your thoughts and spread your arms open. "Here we go." He reached up and you sat him on your hip as you walked out of the shack. He was cold beyond winter to your shock, but then again you had an urge to care for him so it passed right through you.

"It doesn't hurt to much does it?" You asked again. He seemed so hesitant when you talked to him, like he was unsure of what he was witnessing. He shook his head. "I'm strong enough..." You smiled at his words. "I'm sure you are, but just because you're strong doesn't mean you shouldn't take care of yourself."

He seemed bashful, and leaned his head onto your shoulder as you walked. "I hope you don't mind a loss today, I just don't want you to hurt yourself anymore than you already have." He didn't say anything, only held you tighter.

As you made your way to a nearby cipher, your teammates gave surprised looks. "(Y-y/n) what happened?" Martha asked as Emma looked over as well. "He just hurt his ankle is all, but I'm afraid he'll hurt it if he keeps hunting us." Martha 'ooh-ed' and Emma smiled.

"Well that's fine! We're almost done anyways!" Emma chimed. Robbie looked up and over at the beeping machine with interest. It was never in his objective while hunting anyways. You looked down and smiled. "Do you want to try?" You asked softly and he jumped. The boy looked up at you before barely nodding.

You set him down softly as he made his way slowly to the machine and began to turn the gears with Emma. He seemed to be enjoying himself before a quick silhouette dashed passed him and you guessed he missed a calibration. Emma also jumped and whined as she turned on her heel. "Ah! Naib you scared me!" The Mercenary however paused at the scene before him. "What's going o-?"

"Ah-...." You all turned your head to Robbie who began to cry. You ushered passed Naib and up to the small boy. "Oh no! Did you get shocked?" You gave a quick scowl to Naib who still seemed rather confused before Martha wacked him on the head. "Shh it's okay Robbie." You said softly as you sat down with him in your lap. Emma went back to decoding as Martha kept hitting the poor Mercenary.

"Let me see." You placed your hands out in a receiving gesture to which he shakily put his own small hands in yours.

You held them close and inspected them. You found nothing, to be expected but getting shocked is not a pleasent feeling anyways. You brought his hands up to your lips and gave them a comforting kiss before holding them tightly again. "There there, all better." He sniffed before looking back up at you, a moment of silence being kept.


Your eyes popped open wide and so did your teammates. "O-ohhh, Robbie- I'm not-!" His hands clasped yours tightly and you heard his voice shake once more, foretelling he was about to begin crying again. "Mom...my." Your friends gave you enthralled looks to see what you would do and you only scowled at them.

Robbie leaned into and hugged you best he could. "Mom..." He shakily whined. You placed a hand over his head and the other one wrapped around his back. "Okay... I'm mom." And with that confirmation, he held you tighter than before. "I miss you m-mom."

You stood up and held him dearly. Giving a look to your friends to continue decoding as you walked away. The sound of the siren rang through your ears as you made your way to the farther exit gate. "I'm sorry." You said softly. He seemed to ignore it though.

You typed in the password and the gate opened. You guess you'd have to carry him back to the hunters manor, which you didn't really mind. You just didn't want him to trip or anything. "I love you mom." Your heart welled up at his quiet words. A child, in this situation... it hurt you but it's nothing you could control.

"I love you too."

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