☁︎ Claustrophobia - Norton x Reader

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You were walking with Demi to the queuing room, where you would wait for a match. "A-are you sure you want to bring me along?" You leaned forward to catch glimpse of the woman's face and she only snickered. "C'mon honey, don't have so much doubt in yourself."

You were being dragged to a match, and in all honesty, you weren't thrilled. This game was serious, and although everyone managed to scrape by in these matches just barely, that doesn't mean you were never uneasy. "D-Demi I'm not so good at-!"

"Oh hush up missy, here!" She swung the doors open to the waiting room and there sat Naib and Norton. Those two were commonly picked for matches. They were strong, fast, and clever... the complete opposite of yourself.

You could very clearly feel the Mercenary's eyes on you and you shivered. Demi began walking you to a chair and sat you down. "Are you trying to get her massacred?" The Mercenary said blatantly, his eyes never leaving you. Demi only glared at him. "(Y/n) can be a good asset to our team! She's a wonderful support!"

Naib scoffed and looked away. "It'll be fine Naib." Norton tried to soothe the quite frustrated mercenary. The raven haired male looked up wearily. "I'll keep you safe okay?" Your eyes lit up and you quickly looked down, nodding. "Thank you.."

Everyone was ready, and the hunter had joined you all.


"Oh please please please!" You were currently booking it wherever you could running from the Hunter. He held a sword and walked fiercely towards you, a desire to kill you in his eyes.

He had just hit you, so a boost of adrenaline kicked in and you ran farther to the back of the map. You shouted to warn anyone nearby. "Th-the Hunter is close hi-!" However before you could finish your strained warning, a hand grabbed and pulled you into darkness.

You would have screamed louder had a soothing whisper from Norton not calmed you. "Be quiet." And you were, breathing lightly as you could as your heart threatened to pound out of your ears.

Minutes passed before you heard an annoyed click of the hunters tongue before your heartbeat died down. Norton released you and you sighed heavily. "Are you okay?" He asked, and you were about to answer with a hum until you turned to him.

His face was contorted into obvious discomfort and worry, sweat rolled down his face much more than you would've expected.

"A-are you okay?" You asked in return. He was frazzled, much more than you clearly. He was shaky in the small space, his arms over you to fit in the locker. "I-!" Even in the dark you seen his eyes jot left and right. He had something clearly on his mind yet he stayed silent. You rose your hand shakily to his face and drew his attention back to you.

"Norton?" Your voice was soft, and he seemed taken back, but he shook his head and jerked it away, resulting in you taking your hand away. "Sorry..." You mumbled.

"It's fine, let's just.." He pushed onto the locker doors, yet there was a loud creak that sounded to the both of you. He paused, before he repositioned himself. "The doors." He said, shakily. He pushed on them harshly and you watched in nervousness at his desperation to exit the small space. "Th-they won't open!"

"Norton?" You called out yet he continued his futile attempts before you leaned over and grabbed his suspender. "Norton please stop! Y-you're worrying me!" You don't know if it was because of your grasp around his clothing, or he simply grew tired from his quick blast of energy but he stopped. You breathed heavily and so did he, and as afraid you had gotten of him just seconds ago, you held him tightly.

"P-please calm down." You said wearily. The Prospector was eager to get out, but your reassuring hold on him, calmed his anxiety. He breathed deeply and leaned his head on the doors of the locker. "What's wrong?" You asked quietly, despite thinking you'd never ask Norton that question. He was always so well collected and cool, so why all of a sudden did he act out so ferociously?

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