☁︎ Snow - Robbie "x" Reader

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"It's snowing! Look, look how pretty!" Emma jumped up and down as she peered put the window. You looked out as well and smiled. "How about we go outside and play?" You offered up, and she turned excitedly. "Yeah! I'll go get my coat!" The Gardener scampered off and you stood up to grab your own wear as well. You walked to the foyer and opened the closet nearby, Emma already booking it outside. You walked close behind in pursuit of Emma and she was already out there buried in the snow. You laughed lightly before you heard the door open behind you.

"Hello (Y/n)." Emily came by, hands in her coat pockets and scarf wrapped tight. "Hello." You seen some of your peers came out behind the Doctor, Tracy in particular running and jumping into a pile of snow Emma had just shoved together. Before you knew it everyone who came out was throwing snow around at each other. "This is nice." Emily said with a breath serenity. You hummed, before you heard a door open. However It wasn't the one behind you, but some yards away to your right. You turned your head to see Michiko walking out Robbie. Michiko had bothered to wear a simple shawl, and Robbie simply put boots on and a light coat. Joseph came out behind the Geisha, and had turned a head to you and Emily who jumped nervously.

You gave a small wave, and he smiled before turning his attention elsewhere. Your sight however never left the hunters. Your eyes were glued onto the little boy, who was shuffling around in the snow. He seemed to be enjoying himself but he couldn't help but glance over at your peers once in a while as they laughed loudly. "They really have.. a kid over there huh?" You asked no one in particular, but Emily glanced over to your fixated gaze. "Life is cruel and unfair like that. Nothing we can do."

Her words were sharp and cold, but you were interrupted when you heard a loud bustle of laughter and shouts. "You ruined my snow bunny Naib!" Emma whined and clenched her fists with a pout. "No I didn't!" He was defensive and Tracy came up to shout at him. "Yes you did! Look at your giant foot print on it! You and your- your- BIG FEET!" You gave a concerned look at the scene, a playful one before Emily spoke to you quietly. "But if you ask me, it's as if we have our own children over here."

You stifled a laugh as everyone began to topple Naib in hysteria. You laughed as well at the scene, before your eyes caught a few figures walking to you all. Your eyes widened as the Geisha an Photographer walked up and stopped at the stairs which led up to the main doors. "Hello." Said Michiko, soft and sweet. "Hi." You said back, Emily watching over the convo. "Robbie was wondering-." "N-No I wasn't!" The boy grabbed the Geisha's dress and looked up embarrassed as she said that. Joseph then spoke for the both of them. "I was wondering if you would allow Robbie to play with you?" You smiled and nodded. "Sure he can come play." You said softly.

"Thank you." Michiko said. "It's just, no one really wants to come out and play with him, they'd all rather be by the fire." Ah that's right. Every hunter is an adult, no one would want to play with him. "We'll take care of him." You said, and they smiled. They both gave a small bow before leaving back to their side of the manor. "Hey." You said and the boy jumped, looking up to you.

You smiled. "Let's go jump on that mercenary." And Robbie lit up, nodding ferociously. You quickly walked down the steps and picked the boy up. You instantly had to shut your mouth from making a shocked sound. He was so cold, but you shouldn't be surprised. Ignoring that feeling of ice, you jumped with the little boy onto the pile and he laughed. It made you smile, the laughter of a child.

You were all squeezing through, you over Robbie to keep him from getting squished by the others. He grew happy, and for a moment forgot about his missing head, and blue hands. Though when he simply so much as grazed Emma's wrist, she couldn't help but let ouf a daft shout. "Cold!" A few of those who heard her turned to Robbie who froze, and then cowered under you. Your eyes widened and you smiled at them. "It was just some snow Emma, I flicked some onto you by accident." She 'oh-ed' and turned back, as some stares stuck onto you and Robbie before turning back to Naib.

You were going to go back in, but Robbie being in front and under you, you couldn't quite move unless he did. "Are you alright?" He paused and stood up before walking to the few bushes that still had leaves. You followed. "Hey, what's the matter?" You knew well what the matter was, but a part of you didn't want to think about it.

"I was just thinking... where the flowers go in the winter." You sighed and walked up next to him, watching the last flowers wilt before you. "They... they just go to sleep for a while. Then when it's warm, they come back."

"I wish they'd last forever... like money. Money will take you far!"

You laughed softly and walked up behind him. "Well true, but will it keep you happy?" He nodded, and you paused, he was still a child, he was unsure of these things... "I'll tell you something, look here." You came up and leaned down behind him, handing him a flower to hold. Your hands came up and cupped his own. He shivered from the motherly warmth you radiated all of a sudden, he felt safe. "These are Myosotis." He looked down the flowers clamped in his hands gently. "It's supposed to represent love and respect. They're a symbol of Fidelity." He was quiet for a moment, before he began to attempt to say the word you said. "F...fidlety?" You laughed gently. "Sure."

And though your smile was wide and contagious, it slowly disappeared as you looked to the baby blue flower. It was hard to decipher it from his hands, his cold blue hands. You just noticed the feeling of holding ice, and your eyes looked down sorrowfully. "They..." You spoke softly. "Flowers can't take the cold." It seems he began to pout at that statement before you closed your eyes and embraced the freezing aura he gave off. "But that's good, it gives them more meaning. Flowers are quick to die when winter comes, so you take every chance you get to enjoy them."

You enjoyed the sound of wind blowing the flurries, and the distant laughter of your peers playing in the snow. "Dead..." Your eyes popped open. "What's that?" You asked softly, attempting to look over his shoulder, as if you would be able to see his facial expressions. "I'm dead, so do I not... mean anything?" You were stuck in shock at his words, his very... dark behavior. His head turned to you, his voice did not sound shaky or cracked. It was a normal sentence to him, being cold was normal but yet... "I..." His little hands un-cupped the flower so it now fell into yours. Instead shuffled down into you, his hands reaching inside your coat to wrap around you. "I want to be warm again." You didn't know Robbie very well, in fact this was about the first time you ever really conversed. But for some reason your head was locked looking forward as your eyes filled with tears.

"But I'm... making you cold." He began to let go of you, but before he could you let the flower drop and quickly embraced him. "N-no!" He jumped at your gesture and froze. "You're... so warm." If you could have seen his eyes they would've been wider than the ocean. "You're keeping me warm." You said softly, your lip quivering as you buried him into you. His hands wrapped around you once more, as he gained his child like demeanor back. "Yes. You must be so cold, I'll keep you warm!" His voice sounded as if he was smiling so you smiled back.

It was like a blizzard, his soft touch, and it took everything in you to keep from shivering and shaking. But just for today, so he could be 'warm' ... you could manage a little snow.

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