♠︎ Forever and Always - Andrew x Reader

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Ah- Bunii got kind of impatient/ran out of transitions, so this is slightly rushed. But I hope you like it still

"Andrew, Andrew!"

You shouted the boys name as you came skipping up from behind him. "(Y-y/n)-!" Andrew turned around in a panicked state as he braced for the impact of your hug. And as you did embrace him he couldn't help but wrap his own arms around you. "(Y/n) y-you shouldn't-!"

"I will!" You cut him short, knowing exactly what he was going to say. Andrew was different, and he knew that perfectly well, and that wasn't limited to the people who you went to school with. People who are different, are not welcomed. They are shunned from the world, without even a declaration. However, Andrew was your friend, and you'd keep it that way for as long as possible.

"Andrew." You spoke softly into his school uniform, keeping warmth of him in your heart. "Please stop trying to push me away, I want to be with you. I don't care what happens to me..." His shoulders tensed but quickly relaxed. It was not like this was the first time you said that. You've been in this off and on again friendship for years now. Of course, Andrew was always the one who stopped your interactions together, and you were the one who sewed it back up, always.

He was kind, too kind. He looked out for your reputation before himself. If you hung out with someone like him, you were sure to be disliked as well. He had a good heart, and you wish you could share it with the world... but one look at him and they were quick to judge.

Your arms tightened around him, and he couldn't help but hold onto you just as harshly. He didn't like pushing you away, it practically killed him inside. But he couldn't bring himself to think of your downfall being his fault. He didn't want that.

"Let's go to school now okay?" You said softly with a sweet smile, holding his hand in your own. He nodded meekly, sticking to you like glue in fear of the judgement he was sure to get. You stood tall, well, as tall as you could next to Andrew. You were his base, and you wouldn't dare falter. You would hold him high like he deserved, in your heart.

Already as you passed the gates into school, eyes glued onto you both. Nothing unusual, but that doesn't mean you could tolerate it. Of course you didn't mind a couple stares, you'd take them like someone was practically throwing flowers at you.

Andrew on the other hand...

"(Y-y/n)-!" His hoarse whisper pained you as his grip tightened onto you. He was so afraid of them, but there was nothing you could do but hold him closer. "It's okay Andrew, just focus on breathing. We'll get inside soon." You quietly whispered sweet words to him, a hand rubbing his back as you walked inside the cold building.

You went to his locker first, and then to yours. "I wish we didn't have to come here..." He mumbled right next to you and you hummed. "School sucks." You added on, grabbing your books and walking.

You had spoken with a counselor, changing all your classes to the same as Andrews. You made sure you were always with him, if something ever happened to him and you weren't there, you'd never forgive yourself. Of course, Andrew was hesitant about it all, wanting you to be as far as possible in such public places but he didn't realize how persistent you could be.

"Here we go." You said sweetly, walking into your assigned class. You gave Andrew the window seat, as much as you liked looking outside. He just felt, safer that way. Of course as the class filled, you'd get the occasional stare and whisper, but you turned a blind eye to it. "Andrew." You called and he turned his head reluctantly to you with a hum. "Did you finish your homework?"

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