☁︎ Partners - Sharkbite Naib x Holy Angel Emily

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"A radiant angel will sometimes appear in the illusions of sailors whose ship has sunk and lead them to tranquility."

"The old soldier is not dead, but has just faded away. But before his time, he found a woman worth protecting."


Those were a couple stories of the sea that was told amongst children. No one remembers if they were based off of real life or made up fairytales. It was up to the person to believe it if they wished. Though of course there is always a favorite. The Holy Angel was liked among many, especially families who had fathers or brothers working as sailors. The idea of a fair maiden giving your loved one or yourself a peaceful death. Who would not want to believe it?

As for the other tale, he wasn't really known much. Of course there were occasional survivors of shipwrecks he would run into, but he was not interested in them as they would die anyways as they were to weak to survive. He would leave them shaking in fear of death long before they would pass. Though one day he made a fateful encounter with another 'fairytale'. He arrived near a ship wreck as night was coming through. But something was strange about it. A bright light shone from the rubble, and wooden planks that stayed atop the water. He was curious.

He swam over quietly and cautiously, for all he knew, the person could cause him harm. Though as he arrived he couldn't help but freeze in surprise. An Angel, so holy and bright hung upon the fore of the shattered boat. He felt instantly connected to the silver haired maiden. Her golden eyes seemed to be fixated on something below her, but the amount of floating planks from the ship wreck blocked his view. He simply hid behind and watched. "Oh Sailor, I'm sorry of the unfortunate moment that has been brought upon you this starry night." She spoke like a poem, and it was intriguing to hear. The boy then realized she was talking to someone. He peeked around a piece of wood to see a man hang onto what remained of a port of the once called boat. "My kids... I wanna see my kids." The mans voice was heavy and scratchy, he was probably dying. "My wife- will she be okay on her own? I'm a failure of a husband, leaving them like this. I can't even say goodbye." He sounded like he was about to start crying, but as soon as that thought came to mind, he did.

"It will be okay, I will say goodbye for you." The Angel came down and floated above him. "C-can you tell them I love them?" He pleaded. She smiled a nodded. "Please relax, you should not go out so stressfully." She fanned her hand over his eyes and he seemed to relax as some sort of rainbow aura came from her. "Is it not a beautiful night?" She said softly, changing the subject. He nodded best he could as his eyes focused on the stars. The sound of waves and wood bumping together was pulling him to sleep. One he wouldn't wake up from. "I think I'm already dead." He mumbled. "Why's that, Sir?" The Angel asked, looking down. "Well, I'm talking to you for one. My daughter always believed that fairytale of you. I wish I could have told her it was true. But you're tale says something about leading us to tranquility. I'm guessing heaven or some afterlife?"

She had made him so calm, he had time to pull his thoughts together about his situation. "Whatever you choose to believe, whatever makes you comfortable, I can arrange it for you." The boy had been watching intently. It was a first to see this... what would you call this? Some kind of rare event. "Alright, I do feel... at peace oddly enough. I'm about a goner." The man shifted his eyes as the view of the Angel watching the stars put him at ease. The sight lulled him to sleep, and soon enough, his heart also fell asleep.

It was quiet. Very quiet. No more... breathing. She went to his jacket and took the mans pocket watch before stopping. "You're very sneaky, are you also a sailor?" The Angel asked, her eyes shifted to the boy in the cold ocean water. He hid, though he was sure she caught a glimpse of him. "I don't think a sailor would last in such cold water. This ships been down for a while now." She got up and hung back on the fore, waiting for a response. He didn't know what to say, so he revealed himself as he slowly came from behind the floating debris. "You are not human." Was her first words. He sunk low in the water, to his chin. "No..." She softly laughed. "I'm sorry, I did not mean it in a hurtful or judgmental way." He did not say anything. Only focused on her glowing halo and fluffy wings. "What's your name?" She asked. "Naib." He replied. "I am Emily. It is nice to meet you. It's rare for fairytales to meet. We all have our own priorities." He nodded. He was fidgety. Naib hadn't talked to anyone in so long. "Do I make you nervous? I'm sorry." He quickly shook his head after seeing her sorrowful eyes. "N-no I just- haven't talked to anyone in a while. Wh-what do we talk about?" He fiddled his fingers as she stared. "Here." She sprinkled that same aura on him, as that Sailor.

He was frightened at first, not knowing what it would do, but he felt relaxed when it touched him. His shoulders loosened up as he looked up to see her smile. She was most likely happy he made him feel a bit better as she spoke again. "Well, how did you become what you are now?" He thought for a moment. "Hmm, I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure I died in the ocean though. I think I was waiting for someone, but they didn't show, so I went out to look for them. I don't remember who though, or what happened afterwards." Emily nodded. "Im sorry you didn't meet that person then. And it would be odd if you hadn't, considering you roam these waters as you are now. Perhaps you were eaten by a shake since-?" She gestured to his appearance. He looked as if he got a light bulb. "Oh, maybe."

"What about you? I don't think there are angels out here drowning people." He joked, happy he received a giggle. "I drowned is all, with my father. I was taking him to see my lover, but we didn't make it obviously. I think I'm like this because I was more concerned about how he went than my own self. Though I was shaking and crying, scared of death... I smiled and told him I was okay. And he seemed at peace when I said that." She sighed. "I wish I could remember what I looked liked. I can't seem to jog my memory at all." He also wished to remember what he looked like, but her story over took his thoughts. That was a lot more than he expected. "That's a lot more emotional then mine. This isn't a competition, is it?" She laughed once more, shaking her head. "No no, don't fret. I am sorry about your death. You look quite youthful." She said. She smiled, but her eyes expressed sadness. "I'm sorry about yours too, you seem kind of young to be dead too."

It was quiet again. She took in his words with favor. "Why'd you take that Sailors pocket watch? Is not broken as well from all the water?"
He didn't think such a kind girl would steal. "Oh, hopefully you do not think I'm a thief. I need it to find his family. As long as I have one thing of the dead Sailors, I will be able to deliver the message they so desperately wanted to tell their loved ones. I usually leave the item with the family." She explained. "Oh, sorry. I should've asked before I judged." She only waved it off. "So do you do anything in these waters, Naib?" He shook his head. "I just swim around usually. I don't get hungry but I do find a lot of cool things in the deep oceans." He seemed excited about that part of his new life. Treasure hunting she supposed. "Well if it's not to much to ask, could you keep me company? It gets lonely very quickly. The Sailors tend to die faster than the last one, so I don't have many friends to talk to."

He shook his head with a smile. "I don't mind, I tend to get lonely myself." Her face lit up. "Alright! Well, do you know of the island a little ways to the south?" She pointed behind him, and he nodded. He knew every nook and cranny of the ocean by now. "Well when one of us heads off we could always meet there. Like now, I have to go to this Sailor's family to bring them his desired wish." He nodded. She smiled once more, and that made him smile. "All right then, we can be partners together!" She stood up and held the old pocket watch. "I'll see you there then." And with that, she held the item close and went on her way to the north.

He swam to the island she spoke of, and would wait near the shore. Despite having the ability to walk and breath on land, he liked the coldness of the water. As he made his way there he couldn't help but smile to himself at having a friend. Someone kind and nice, helping people at sea grant their final wishes. She truly was and Angel. The word partners played in his mind like a record, and he enjoyed it. He was sure he would never fall away from her. Never let her go, or disappear.

Not again.

A young girl on her way to her lover did not make it to him, and instead died comforting the one she cherished instead of her own self. She became a Holy Angel, leading others in the vast ocean to tranquility. A boy who only worried for his partners arrival went in search of her late, but did not make it to her. He was intended to roam the empty seas until he found her. One day, he finally did.

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