☁︎ Gently - Ganji x Reader

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This is the other version! Thank you for waiting patiently!

"Like Naib?"

You questioned the nervous Doctor who nodded. "But worse..." She mumbled out, and you understood. You were both talking about your new peer, Ganji. Immediately did you all find out of his... antisocial-ness. On his arrival, Emma planned a spectacular welcoming party, but the second he walked in, he turned to Emily, asked where his room was, and left. You didn't see him the rest of the day unless he was queued for matches...

"That's not good Huh..."

"At least I'm friendly now!" Naib leaned in, stuffing his face with left over dinner. "You're about as friendly as a gang of young men holding bats and machetes could be." Emily mumbled jokingly, but he simply huffed and walked away. "Well, if we got Naib out of his shell I'm sure we can do the same for Ganji!" You beamed, and Emily smiled at your enthusiasm.

"Maybe since you're so eager, you could be the one to interact with him? For things like dinner? He doesn't dare eat with us all." She was weary when she said that but you smiled widely. "Don't worry! I'll befriend him sooner than you think!"

"Y- you don't want to come down?" He shook his head blatantly and you smiled wearily. "Well, don't you want to come eat? I promise the food doesn't have diseases in it." He stared at you, like you were lying about such a thing. "Would you rather eat alone in your room?" He nodded softly, and you hummed. Well, it's not like you could pull him down the steps against his will. "Alright, Ganji. I'll be back." You said and he hummed before closing the door.

"Are you sure?" Emily asked, prepping a plate of warm food. "I mean, I would try harder but he's clearly not comfortable coming down." You answered her honestly, and held your hands out for the plate. As you she handed you the one, and you didn't move so she looked up at you. "You're going up to eat with him?" You nodded vigorously. "Does he even want any company at all?" She joked with a small laugh before handing you your own plate. "It's okay, I'll make sure he gets it." You smiled before walking optimistically from the kitchen and to your new peers room. He couldn't refuse food, it smelled so good you knew it was wavering around the manor by now, he was sure to be hungry!

"You don't have to stay here..." He mumbled out, peeking from the crack behind his door. "I know! But I'd like to, if that's alright with you?" You leaned forward and cocked your head. The food in your hands looked delicious, it's been a while since he's eaten, especially so well. You didn't mean for it to seem like he wouldn't get to eat if he refused your company, but it was most likely something he couldn't help but think. "Alright..." He opened the door and you walked in ecstatically but frowned how the room appeared. "Do you just stand in the middle of your room and breathe? It looks like no ones touched this place!" You set the plate in his hands as you questioned him, he grazed your fingers to grab it but seemed in thought of your words. "I'm not... sure how to use it all. I've never had a room like this, it's overwhelming..."

You felt your soul wave in a way that felt so much sorrow with what he said. Even if you've never had a room like this to yourself, surely the first thing you would do is jump on the bed til the sheets were a scrambled mess. It was as if he was afraid to make a mess, touch something that wasn't truly to his name, maybe afraid to get attached to something that could be swept away from him.

You rose your hand to his arm and held it softly. "Ganji, this is your room, for as long as you're here. You can saw off the bed posts if you really wanted." You gave him a smile, and it looked like he tried to give one to, Try to do anything but scowl yet he couldn't. So he just looked away. "Here." You called, walking to the bed before patting a spot and turning to him. "Let's start with sitting on the bed, it's really comfy I promise."

He followed, and sat down making a dip in the bed. Although you seemed to get along well, you decided to sit on the other side, backs facing each other. You didn't want to just break into his bubble, at least give him some room to eat!

You ate rather gleefully, but only heard his fork clank here and there before it was set on his nightstand. You frowned to yourself as you chewed the meat. Was it maybe because Emily made it...? Maybe you should make him something to eat tomorrow, both of you together! ... but you really wanted him to eat now, you were sure he was starved, but how could you even let him know it was good, safe to eat. Even if you were horking it down like you were stranded in a desert for five months, that was not strong enough to break through such a trauma. He could've watched Emily make dinner himself, every move, every gesture, every ingredient she threw in, and you wouldn't be surprised if he still didn't eat it. It was just lodged into his brain. She can't be trusted.

"Th-they aren't all bad y'kno-!"

"I know." He said gruffly, so quick it made you jump. "I know... but after what I went through can you blame me for being so cautious?" You let your shoulders relax and sighed. "No, I don't blame you." You felt the tension grow soft, as if he was afraid you would contradict him. "I... I didn't hurt the kids." Your eyes widened, for the fact he even said that- did he feel like he needed to give you a reason to be comfortable with him? "Ganji yo-"

"I got them all out before I set it on fire-!" You turned to look at him, surprised to see him already looking at you. "They were good kids... they didn't know any better. They questioned it just as much as me... so I had to make sure those people wouldn't- turn them into monsters too. I couldn't let them."

He turned back around, and you felt the sudden urge to comfort him. He believed from a black and white perspective, what he did was wrong, but there was so much more to it than what someone could see. You placed your tray down and crawled onto the bed, making your way to him. He could hear you coming, and he grew stiff. "Ganji..." You sat down behind him before wrapping your arms around him. "It's okay." His chest expanded, so wide you thought it would pop before he let out a long shaky breath.

"I thought that scowl was all you had, but you're scowling to protect yourself aren't you? You... want to smile so badly, and make friends and have fun."

He didn't say anything, he couldn't, but he did raise his hands to your arms and hold them tightly. You laid your head down into his hair and caressed him softly, hoping that you were at least making him comfortable. "Soon, you'll be able to smile everyday... I promise."

Ganji had a kind heart, it was just boxed in a cage after what had happened to him was all. The trauma inflicted on him, he couldn't help but be weary and cautious, it's not that he wanted to, he was afraid it would happen again, and rightfully so to fear such a thing. "I won't let anyone hurt you alright? So you can relax... your eyes are as dark as the night itself I take it you haven't slept since you got here..."

"It just... looks so similar..." You peered around the room, and hummed. "Yeah, but this time it's your home. A real one." He seemed to silently appreciate your hold, and you sat there in that position for as long as he wished, before you realized it grew dark outside.

"I'm going to make sure you smile soon okay?" You slid past him, letting go before standing up and walking to the door. "(Y- y/n)!" You jumped and turned around to see Ganji stand off his bed before embracing you, keeping you as far from the door as he possibly could. "Can you stay? I-... I feel I'll sleep better if you're with me."

Your silence must've made him panic, as he hesitantly let go of you and backed away. "Of course only if you want... you don't have too-"

"I- I'll stay." You turned to look at him, and he stared back at you with wide eyes before turning his head and looking at the floor. "Thank you..." The sun grew dimmer, letting darkness encase the room as the man now shuffled to his bed, and you following him slowly behind. He made sure to leave a reasonable amount of room, for you and himself. You followed him under the covers, a clear gap there between you both but it was no bother.

"Ganji?" You whispered, turning over to face him. He did the same. "Yeah?" You seen his eyes, open as if it was the middle of the day, ready for anything. "You can sleep now. I won't let anything happen to you." For a second he seemed to hesitate, before his eyes relaxed and he closed them. Doing so, he snuck his hand over to your own, which you quickly held to reassure him.

You planned to sleep as well, knowing nothing would happen. But seeing his face in such a calm expression, one that you knew would be rare... you were sure you'd be up all night taking it in. "Goodnight Ganji."

"Thank you (Y/n)..."

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