☁︎ New Arrival - Andrew x Reader

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In the official Weibo, I heard that Emily was on night shift when Andrew arrived, and walked him to his room. I didn't even know there was a night shift lol. Hence this is inspired from that but uhhh I put more romance into it (*''*)

You walked around the halls tiredly, a blanket wrapped over your shoulders. The lantern in your hand swayed from side to side as you yawned. You were tired, but these night shifts were mandatory. In case a new Survivor were to arrive, you must have someone awake at all times, hence you walking around right now.

You stepped into the foyer and it was awfully quiet. You sat down on one of the stairs and leaned on the railing, closing your eyes. "I'm sure I could just rest my eyes..." And as soon as you felt at peace, a loud knock was heard. You popped awake and jumped to your feet. You were nervous. You never expected to catch anyone on your shift, but you couldn't ponder that now.

"C-coming!" You said as you quickly made your way down the rest of the stairs. You tripped up a bit with your nervousness but gained your footing. An anxious heat came over you, you were not good at socializing but... since this person was new you'd be sure to give the warmest welcome.

You opened the door slowly and looked up to see quite a tall male. The first thing you noticed was his pale complexion, but you ignored it. His posture instantly went straight and he looked down in a panic. "H-hello!" His voice was shaky and alarming as he began to fidget. "Hello, you're new right?" You opened the door further and stepped aside as he walked in with a nod. "I'm (Y/n), what's your name?" You closed the door before turning around to the uneasy man. "A-Andrew."

"Ah that's a nice name." You lifted the dim lantern in front of you and beckoned him to follow, which he did. "Everyone's asleep right now, so we'll just introduce you tomorrow, okay?" You gave him a sweet smile and he seemed taken back at you over all kindness. As if he was expecting to be, detested.

"Th-that's fine!" He clutched a shovel to his chest tightly in a frantic way. "Your room is a few doors from mine, here." You stopped at your door and turned. "If you ever need me I'll be here, just knock." He nodded and you continued to walk til you both reached his room. You opened the door to let him in before you. "It's plain now, but feel free to decorate it however you like. Everyone's rooms come together as their own eventually." You walked past him placed the lantern down on his bedside, pulling back the sheets. "Would you like to keep the light?" You asked, prepping his bed for him.

"D-don't you need it?" Your eyes widened and you stifled a laugh. "I'll be fine, I'm not trekking through the woods or anything." He seemed embarrassed and looked away, after all you were only three doors down. "I'll leave it with you." You said, walking back towards the door. "You should get some rest now, if you wake up before me, don't be afraid to barge in and wake me up as well, I'm a bit of a heavy sleeper."

"Okay- (Y/n)..." You smiled at the use of your name before bidding him a goodnight and leaving to your own room. You were thankful you would not have to wait til tomorrow to go to bed now, and fell asleep rather soundly.


"(Y-y/n)?" Your eyes popped open and you rose your head only to collide with a hard surface. "Ah-!" You whined before realizing you just practically head butt poor Andrew. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry- are you okay?" You shifted to him as he held his forehead.

"I-I'm okay." He gave you a weary smile and you pouted. "Y-you're door was unlocked..." He pointed to your door and your eyes widened. "I must've been really tired hah, it happens sometimes." You nervously laughed at your embarrassing action before you realized the sun shining on your walls. "Oh! What time is it?" You asked looking to your window. "I-it's about noon. You s-stayed up late for me so I thought I should l-let you sleep..." He worriedly looked around, as if he'd done something wrong. "Oh, thank you then!" You stretched and rubbed your eyes. "I guess you're waiting for me?" You questioned.

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