☁︎ Sit! - Luca x Reader

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I am sorry- two Luca's in a row qwq

I actually got this idea from this art I made a while back, so yes yes, this is like the basic of your relationship. You say sit, and he will sit uwu

"Calm down!"

Your ears perked at the rather loud command from the foyer. What was happening? It was any normal day, at least that's what you thought. But as you made your way to where the ruckus grew louder and louder, you now understood why. A visitor, who didn't seem to like being told what to do.

"What's going on?" You walked up to Helena who lingered away from the scene down the stairs. "O-Oh! A uhm, a new survivor! But he seems quite the trouble maker..." She spoke softly with her words, like she always did. "Ohhh..." You looked down, a small crowd had formed as you walked further down.

"Listen, I don't care what you did before you came here but we have rules and-!"

"I do what I want when I want to." The male cut off a fuming Coordinator who seemed she was at her ends wits with him. It seemed Emily was there to keep the girl under control from shouting, but it didn't look like it was working to well. You came forward to see the conflict unfold for yourself. "If you can't follow rules then-!"

"Then what! What're you gonna do!?" The boy grew loud and pushed himself into Martha's personal bubble which she scowled at, but before she could retort physically you stepped in. You don't know why, a fear of what could unfold maybe. "Woah!"

You hopped in between the taller two, hands against each of them. "L-lets just calm down- please?" Your voice was shaky, almost fearful of your position. Though as you looked up, Martha's eyes gave a sorrowful look. Now you turned your head to see the new- visitor...

He seemed shocked at your arrival, and more so at your desperation to stop the conflict. Though his face quickly went smug again and he crossed his arms. "Oh I like you~." His sly words made the Coordinator frown, and it only grew worse as the man wrapped his arms around you, placing his head atop your own. "I can be plenty calm, only if she stops treating me like a child." Martha gave an annoyed look but you returned it with a smile. "Okay, Martha what if- I take care of him?"

"What? (Y/n)-!" She pulled you to her out of his grasp and whispered wearily. "He's obviously from prison- I can't let you just be with him alone, he's dangerous!"

"It'll be okay." You smiled and gave her a pat on the shoulder. "Well," You turned to the boy as his eyes laid on you now, clearly intrigued. "I'm (Y/n), what's your name?" You asked, and he smiled smugly. "I like your attitude (Y/n), far better than missy's over here." He blatantly pointed to Martha who stood there, clearly not on board with this idea.

"My name's Luca, Kitten." The nickname produced butterflies in your stomach as a flush crossed your features. Martha and Emily gave surprised looks to the pet name. You however decided to ignore it for the sake of yourself.

He gave a hand out to you, and you shook it. "Nice to meet you!" You greeted him like you'd greet anyone new, and he seemed to silently appreciate that. "Although I'm sorry to say, there are a few things we all go by, so if I could share them with you?" He nodded and Martha gaped, convinced that Luca just agreed to annoy her.

You began to walk and talk at the same time, understanding that if you stayed in the same room, something new would unfold. And as you did a few exchanges were heard as you left.

"Will she be okay?" Emily asked Martha. "I don't know, best to keep an eye on him." Martha crossed her arms and stared at Luca's back with daggers. However a sweet voice distracted her. "I mean, at least it seems he has a liking to her?" Helena said softly, but Martha only frowned. "That's what im afraid of..."

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