☁︎ Alone - Aesop x Reader

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"All right, can I trust you guys to clean up good!?" Martha was giving both yourself and Aesop a small talk. Everyone besides you two were going out. Why? Well, you both may have gotten close to a certain Geisha, who let you go in a recent match. Your friends did not take to well to the unfair condition. As a result, while they were gone obtaining the necessities for the life in the manor, you and Aesop were to clean the Manor until they returned.

You were fine with it, you took orders well from your teammates in game actually. You were kind of a pushover, but as long as the outcome was a liking to your friends. Except one thing bugged you. You haven't really conversed with Aesop at all besides in matches. Even then it was rare to see him. The idea of him and you alone in silence made you nervous. You weren't ready for the awkward air but as Martha stated,

"Those who cheat together, clean together."

Of course she just made that up out of annoyance, but it wasn't really your or Aesop's choice. The Hunter is the one who let you both go.

She gave a stern look as you both nodded, mostly in fear of her loud voice. She then gave one last talk before walking out of the manor with everyone else. When the click of the door was shut, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. All of a sudden your palms got sweaty as you refrained from turning to the silver haired boy next to you. What do you say? 'Hey lets get the work done for our punishment cause if we don't Martha will surely give us a beating.'

You turned your head slightly, surprised to see him already staring at you like you were giving a speech. He had manners, that's for sure. Always focusing on the more 'important' person. "W-well we should start then, huh?" You said nervously and started walking to the kitchen. He hummed deeply and followed you. It didn't seem like he was phased, like he lost all of his emotions out of nowhere. It was almost creepy. Almost.

"You can wash all the downstairs windows and I'll start cleaning the tables and decor." You rummaged through the low cupboard, handing him a soft towel and window spray. You gave him what you believed to be the easier job, not wanting to seem rude. He simply nodded and walked away. You took your own things and started cleaning as well.

Dusting every little nook and cranny was taking longer than expected. You ended up looking like a whole house maid as you worked, sleeves drawn back, bandanna pulling your hair from your face. Even sweat dropped from your face from crouching, bending, cleaning, everything.

Through your grueling chore, Aesop came to you whenever he finished something. After the windows, he came back. After the dishes, he came back. After the sweeping, he came back. You get the idea. And right now he was walking towards your sitting self, dusting a delicate vase in the foyer.

"I've finished." He said standing over you. He was waiting for you to give another order probably. "Y'know Aesop, you don't have to come to me after every chore. I'm sure you can find something else to do on your own." You said. Him constantly bugging you was a pain. Not like, omg I hate you- you're so annoying, but Im not fond of how your keeping me behind with your questions.

You hadn't looked up but the silence from him made you nervous as you did so. You jumped, a new expression on his face. It looked like, guilt, confusion, oh, and soul crushing failure. "A-are you okay?" You asked, worried for his sake. All this time he had been silent, emotionless, why all the sudden was he giving off such a sour feeling. "I-I'm sorry." He said, clenching the rag in his hand tight as can be. "Wh-why?" You asked, still oblivious to how and why he felt the way he was feeling.

He looked like he was about to start crying- ohnonononono- DONT CRY! "H-hey now." You stood up, carefully placing the vase back onto its small table. Your hands grabbed his shoulders but you felt stupid as he was taller than you so your physical comfort wasn't really much. "You didn't do anything wrong if that's what your thinking- why are you-?"

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