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Hello, uhm uh, I'm sorry, but I'm feeling kinda sick rn. Someone stole my art, and made a malicious video with it, without asking me, without telling me. I made an acc to even view the post, and the second I started to straighten out lies and assumptions, the post was deleted.

Prior to this, I liked a NaibEmi art, with the video. I thought it was hilarious actually. Until I seen the original tiktok with bad mouthing about my art style and me in general. Mind you I do not know this person, I've never once spoken with them. In turn of them not knowing me, they made assumptions along with the people in the comments. Lies were then forming and that's when I decided to defend myself.

I turned off notifications and left it at that, only to check and see the post was gone. I wanted to message them and ask why, but you can't message ppl on TikTok unless you're friends I guess. So I clicked their Instagram, and it brought me to the same person who's NaibEmi art I liked just earlier.

I viewed the comments of love and support I left earlier so differently now, I wanted to delete them but I won't. I want to leave it all as is. I should've known something was up when they didn't even like my comments and stalked my story.

I don't know, everything they did rubs me the wrong way. Not asking to use my art, not telling me so I couldn't defend myself, not replying to me on insta when I know they know who I am and what I'm talking about. It's a mess.

NaibEmi is so small, I want everyone who ships it to be friends, but this is some start- but I've held it since 2019, I will not crumble!

Though It kinda sucks having the one thing in your life that keeps you going get ridiculed by strangers so casually.

The idea of my things being taken so easily and turned into things to hurt me- doesn't feel very good. I have a heart wrenching feeling now, I do not know how long it will last, but thank you all for reading as of now. I'm sorry about the onehsots I teased and have not released I was excited to release the Man in Red one but I just feel so weak and empty, I wouldn't take your comments to heart during this time I feel exhausted with it all.

I hurt very badly, heart hurty haha, very unmotivated, but thank you.

Thank you for reading, as of now, I'll be on an actual break. Hopefully the feeling will soon leave, and I have the confidence to write again!

Nina ♡

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