☁︎ Show Off - Norton x Reader

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You were currently in arms factory with your team consisting of You, Patricia, Helena and Norton. You were fine with Patricia and Helena but Norton was know to be a womanizer which kind of upset you but he wasn't your kid or anything. You couldn't tell him how to act. Though you couldn't lie, that boy had good looks. His soft messy hair and award winning smile was enough to make any girl swoon, including yourself. You hated it, and he knew that.

Of course Helena was to fragile to flirt with, and Patricia would stand her ground so talking her up would be futile. That left you to bother during the match. You didn't mind his presence but when he started to flirt with you, you would sometimes miss calibrations which you would have to apologize for you. He made you an embarrassed mess and he liked that.

So here you were doing a cipher in the corner of the map as Patricia was kiting the Hunter. It was Jack so you tried to stay away as much as possible. And guess who you were stuck decoding with on this second to last cipher. Norton. You envied Helena as she didn't need a partner for decoding, but you did. Both of your work amounted to hers. And of course he was chatting up a storm.

"So Princess, you're doing pretty well this match." His smooth deep voice con-fuddled all your thoughts as you fought back a blush. "Yes I think so. You're doing well this match as well, Norton." You seen his face light up as you said his name, though it only made your stomach feel fuzzy. "Of course I am, I'm one of the best stunners." He would always toot his own horn which most everyone was used to by now, but you admired how confident he was in himself at the same time.

"Then I hope I can trust you to keep this team safe?" You asked sweetly to see how he'd respond, and it seems you weren't to bad at talking up others as well. His face lit up as the confidence radiating from him was strong. "I'll make sure you ladies make it out safe and sound!" He flashed you a toothy smile, a fang at the edge as you smiled back.

Though just when you were warming up to him you felt your heartbeat raise as you looked up. Patricia had been hit and you'd been so distracted you didn't even notice. You cursed yourself and Norton for messing around. Jack came in close behind her as you dashed away by Norton's command. Helena has just finished her cipher and yours was about done, if only Jack wasn't here.

You lingered by, hoping they would leave but you seen Patricia go down. Though Jack didn't pick her up, probably wanting to also get Norton. Your heart beat was not going down anytime soon and Patricia was bleeding out. You had to pop the cipher. You ran out from your hiding spot and continued to decode. Jack noticed and was about to make his towards you til he was pulled back. "Hey, don't forget about me." Norton looked exhausted, but it was as If he was pushing himself to do this.

You finally got it and Patricia ran to the Exit Gate where Helena was supposed to be, Jack trailing behind her as you went to the back Exit gate. You typed in the passcode as fast as possible while Norton attempted to kite Jack. You worried as you eagerly stood there waiting for him. Though he never arrived and you heard the sound of your teammate going down.

Your mind instantly went to Norton. You were only joking about the whole 'keeping the team safe'. You felt guilt wash over you as you felt like you used him. You ran out of the Exit Gate you were at and hid behind a tree. You heartbeat rose as Jack neared to tie Norton to a chair. The Hunter closed in to the gate you were at moments ago, before turning around to the other gate and headed that way. He was being greedy, hoping to get just one more kill. But as soon as he left you ran to your chaired teammate.

"Norton!" You cried out, he stopped struggling and looked up at you in shock, probably cause you hadn't left. As you got closer you seen how scratched up he was.Helena and Patricia left, meaning Jack was probably on his way back. Norton's expression turned to a flirtatious one. "Princess, you've come to rescue me? I'll be sure to repay you." He breathed heavily as you untied him and dragged him along to the Exit Gate. "I did it, right? You girls made it out safe and sound." You only sneered at him as he limped along with your support.

You both made it back to the Manor as Helena greeted you with worry. "We're Okay Helena, just a little worn out." She only nodded as she watched you both walk to the infirmary. You entered to see Emily patching up Patricia. Though the Doctors face contorted into annoyance. She had been healing up other Survivors all day, though she would never say 'stop getting hurt it's annoying'. "I'll take care of him Emi." She only smiled thankfully, finishing up Patricia as she helped the injured girl out of the room.

It was just you and Norton as you helped him sit on the bed. "You know how to patch me up, Princess?" You grabbed bandages and made your way back to him with a sigh of annoyance. "Everyone does, I just asked Emily to teach me a little extra just Incase." You and Emily were close, hence why you called her Emi. You took off his gloves and noted how tuff his hands looked. I mean he was a miner back in the day so it was understandable, but he never liked talking about it for some reason.

As you bandaged him up he only smiled at you, enjoying your gentle and focused touch. There was a small cut on his cheek so you just got a small patch to stick on with medical tape. You took off his hat and neared his face, softly placing on the cloth. Satisfied with your work you started putting everything away. "You missed one, Princess." Your eyes widened as you turned to him holding his other cheek. "Did I?"

You neared his face again to inspect this other cut but when he removed his hand, you seen no injury but felt hands wrap round your waist instead. "You're very gullible, Princess." He laughed lightly as he held you. "I- let go-!" You were a blushing mess as he pushed you into his chest. You almost wished he didn't let go so he wouldn't see your red face. "I don't think I will, (Y/n)." The way he said your name made you shiver as you stayed silent.

He seemed dissatisfied in your silence though. The raven haired male pulled you up onto the bed and leaned over you. "Cat got your tongue?" It most certainly did. "I- I just-." You knew he definitely seen your heated face now as his smirk only grew wider.

How would you get out of this situation? He leaned down to your face as he held you in place and you panicked. It's not that you didn't want him to, well, you believed he was going to kiss you. You were just scared of being his play thing like other girls probably were.

Though as he neared you did notice a barely visible cut on his other cheek. You quickly took a bandage and gently smacked it on his cheek to quickly stand up of the bed which proved to be difficult with the weakness in your knees. He sat up quickly in surprise and held his cheek. "Take better care of yourself, Showoff. I seen your little kiting tricks out there." You faced away from him in embarrassment but when you turned around you seen a small and genuine pout on his face, a sadness in his eyes as if he just been... rejected.

You pulled his face to yours and kissed the cheek you just threw a bandage on. "Please don't hurt yourself anymore." You turned and left Norton who held his cheek in shock. His face softened into happiness. As the door clicked closed he silently cheered as he fell onto the bed, heart flaring with fuzzies and butterflies in his stomach.

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