☁︎ Herbal Bath - Ganji x Reader x Naib

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You were minding your own when Emily peeped into the lounge around the corner, catching your attention enough to look up at her. "(Y/n), I've been looking for you." She said softly, waving her hand to incline you over to her. "What for?" You mindlessly obeyed and sat up from the sofa, setting down a book and stepping close. As she now walked with you by her side you could tell by the route she was taking you to the infirmary. "I'm busy right now tending to Norton's scars, I was wondering if you could do something for me." She clasped your hands together as if you would say no, but nearly all the time did you aid her. "What is it?"

"I need you to fix a bath." She said swiftly, turning the knob to the infirmary. "For what?" She opened the door and there sat three more of your peers who turned there heads to you and the Doctor. "For those two." She gestured with split fingers towards the mercenary and the batter, and you flushed. You would've thought it been a bath for Mr. Whiskers at least...

Naib turned his head down seemingly annoyed and Ganji only directed his attention elsewhere. Norton on the other hand stood up at the woman's arrival, but still kept to himself. "Uhm, a bath? Can't they take their own?" You said quietly but Emily was already shoving you in against your will. "It's a medicine bath, for their scars. The host doesn't supply much of the salts so it's easier to have them share a bath." You oh-ed quietly as she walked you to the back of the room, opening another door leading to a larger bathroom.

"I've set everything up for you, a list on the counter if it gets confusing." She walked to the large porcelain tub and turned a silver knob, water instantly jetting out. "Uhm, I don't know Emily, this isn't really my thing, maybe you could have Ganji and Naib wait until you're done tending Norton?" She turned back with a defeated smile. "I would if I could but it's hard enough to catch them at the same time, let alone make them sit and wait. Norton's burns take a longer process with different medicine, so please for today can you help?" With the tub full of warm water, she stopped the handle and turned to you pleading. "Just today, it should only take an hour or two."

You looked at the salts and medicine on the counter, intimidated but you couldn't leave Emily hanging. "Alright, I'll do my best.." She smiled and began to walk to the door but you stopped her. "Th- they don't get completely undressed do they?" She stopped and stared dumbfounded at you before smiling. "Would you like them to?" Your face grew hot and you let go of her and shook your head. "Im just teasing (Y/n), they keep their undergarments on if that makes you feel any better." She laughed with a soft pat on your shoulder before walking out. You heard her muffled voice explaining to Ganji and Naib, before leaving with Norton.

You didn't want to face them directly so you just walked back to the counter and read the note Emily left. There was only a few things really, bath salt, some sort of liquid medicine to be poured in the tub, and a separate small bowl of herbal water for more serious wounds. That shouldn't be to hard! You felt confident with the instructions and turned to the bath only to be met with two figures standing behind you.

You physically jumped at their quiet arrival but made no sound you were so shocked. "Please say something at least." You said holding the paper in front of your mouth. Naib rolled his eyes and swiped the paper from your hands. "Hey-!"

"If she left instructions I can just do it myself!" You pouted as Ganji stood silently by, watching your bothersome interaction. He turned his back to read and after a minute you grew impatient. It only took a second to read! "Listen if you're messing around do it faster!" You walked around to see him, and was surprised to see pursed lips and squinted eyes. God, "you look like you need to shit yourself." You said mindlessly making his snap his neck up to you.

He said nothing and shoved the paper into your chest crossing his arms. "What..?" You raised a brow as he avoided eye contact, you had to actually spin around him to catch his face. "What was that about?" You asked irritated and he huffed, looking up. "I can't read her handwriting..." He said through his teeth, and you looked back down at the note. It was pretty fancy yeah, but still legible. "Naib... can you not read cursive?"

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