☁︎ Wake Up - Infected!Naib x Reader

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Your eyes fluttered open to see a light warmth of sunlight shine through your curtains. Closing your eyes again feeling safe. You wanted to sleep in more, but knew if you did, Emily would probably come and force you out of bed. You would rather wake up yourself.

You sighed and opened your eyes, looking over to your clock. 5am. At this time, the only people who were up were Emily, Naib, Martha, and a few others. However those on cooking duty should also be up to make breakfast for everyone. Since yesterday's match was pretty rough though you expected the others to be sleeping in.

You got changed into a (f/c) sweater with some shorts and socks, choosing to change into a 'main' outfit later. You brushed your hair, brushed your teeth, cleaned your face and walked out of your room making sure to lock it.

"Good morning." You mumbled rubbing your eyes. As you walked down the stairs you seen Emily walking with Emma and Aesop who looked deathly tired. "Good morning (Y/n)!" Emily responded happily. You have a quick smile and said the same thing to the two tired ones she was holding by the shoulder. You got little grumbles you couldn't understand and a small wave from each. After that, Emily pushed them towards the kitchen. They were probably on kitchen duty today poor guys.

You followed in pursuit, wanting to know what they were making and how long it would take to make. But you bumped into Martha on your secret stalking. "Sorry." You said politely as you could despite being so tired you wouldn't mind sleeping right there on the cold floor. "It's alright cadet!" She said scruffing up your hair before walking away. It was a little nickname she had given you, and she had 'claimed' you as her 'daughter' some time back. So you continued, seeing a few others up and doing their own thing, passing back and forth good mornings.

You entered the kitchen, smelling pancakes. You seen the expected culprits from earlier, Emma and Aesop, but I guess they were so tired Emily lent a hand to help. Emily seen you walk in a smile. "Hello dear. Is their something you needed?" You looked around. Not anymore. "Was just wondering what was for breakfast." Pancakes obviously. "Pancakes as you can probably tell. They should be done for everyone in an hour." She said, multi-tasking the heck out of baking.

You looked around. No sign of him. "Hey have you seen Naib? He's usually up with you at this hour." You asked. "Ah yes, I believe he's still asleep. He did a great amount of kiting yesterday's duo hunter match. I believe they were both chasing him non-stop. But thankfully he made it out with the rest of us." She seemed to halt and ponder for a moment. "I should probably let him rest in as long as possible today." She said. "Okay, thanks."

You walked out of the kitchen, and to the stairs. You hadn't seen Naib all game yesterday. He was probably really good at keeping them off his teammates despite the occasional hits on Freddy and Emma. You remember just seeing a glimpse of red walk into a room last night. He didn't waste anytime going to sleep then as he wasn't their for snacks and water.

Oh hey wait. You just realized he didn't eat at all since dinner yesterday, and even then he didn't eat much as to not have a higher chance of throwing up Incase he over pushed himself. You made a quick dash to your room to grab snacks and water you kept in your lower drawer. You had this Incase you didn't wanna get out of bed and see everyone.

Anyways, you quickly made your way to his door and knocked but as your knuckles brushed against the door, it opened a bit. As you looked down, the door wasn't even shut all the way, let alone locked. He must've been super tired to not even shut his door. And your answer was confirmed as you opened it gently to see Naib sprawled across his bed, not even had bothered to cover up with the sheets.

Closing the door quietly, you made your way over to the sleeping pupper. He breathed in and out very softly, his back rising, as he had fallen asleep on his stomach. "Hey." You whispered, placing the snack and water on his lamp stand. "Wake up." You bent down to his ear. Preferably his Wolf one. He shifted and grumbled, forming into a ball to keep warm. "You need to eat something. You'll get sick. At least have some water, Naib."

His eyes opened slightly, taking a glance at you. He was on his side and now facing you. You gave him a look of confusion, and your dark eyes refused to stand much longer. He then pat his bed, signaling for you to take a sit. You would've been flustered and came up with an excuse but the match yesterday was too much, and Emily wouldn't come looking for you in here. With drowsiness being in control, you sat down, resting your back on the headboard while closing your eyes. You planned to only take a nap, then official wake yourself and Naib up.

You then felt a weight on your thighs, and your eyes popped open, and instantly your cheeks were dusted with a pink tint. Naib had laid his head on your lap, probably because it was warm, and maybe better than a pillow. As his head laid their, his arms wrapped around your waist to make sure he was comfortable. However his grip was tight as if he was more worried about you leaving.

You didn't know how to react. Your eyes wide as you stared at him, hands hovering, not knowing where to put them. How do you deal with this? You then thought of the most comforting thing. Big Dog. It was just like a big dog. So you found the strength to place one hand on his back and the other on his head with the occasional pet. He seemed to like this as he pushed into your stomach more and pulled up his body as close to you as possible. "Promise me you'll eat and drink as soon as we wake up." You said closing your eyes, still worried about his health. A grumble came in reply which you took as a yes.

Good enough for you. You let yourself sleep in the somewhat uncomfortable position. But you didn't care as you fully drift off into sleep. The warmth of Naib and his soft breathing ever so calming and the faint smell of pancakes was enough to put you into more than a nap.
____________ ☁︎ ____________

Your eyes opened to the bright light of the window. You felt you had been knocked out cold form how refreshed you were feeling. Then you remembered just what you did. And the sudden feeling arms around you kicked in. You didn't move. You didn't want to move. Both of liking the feeling and fear of waking him up. You felt his light breath on your neck from behind you. He was spooning you. Hard. Like what even was this. Some literal consumption. He was wrapped around you as much as he could be, his tail even laid over your leg. "You haven't said anything so I'm gonna guess you're fine with it." A sudden deep voice said from behind you. "I- I-! I mean-!" You stumbled your words not knowing how to respond but all he did was squeeze you tighter and tell you to be quiet so he could go back to whatever he was doing which included staining at you and liking the smell of your hair and you in general. What would you call such an activity. You obliged silently, and finally relaxed.

You were so wrapped up in what was going on, that you didn't notice the warm plate of pancakes sitting on the night stand with a little card leaned against it, making your face burn to a crazy extent.

Dear (Y/N)

I'm sorry but the junk food you keep in your drawer would not be enough to fill up anyone's energy so these are for you two. I hope you used some kind of protection. With the way he's holding you, I'm assuming your gonna be his bunny and he'll be the wolf. He's gonna protect and want to eat your innocence. Good luck.
~Emily ♥︎

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