♠︎ Cry - Ganji x Reader

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Short but sad :')

"Ganji please calm down-!"

"You what!? You want me to what?!"

You sat at the dining table as Ganji and Emily argued. It was more of a one sided argument, Ganji being the only agitated one, however you could not blame him for his behavior. "My mother is dying, and I'm trapped in this- purgatory of a place!" Emily frowned, but only told him the honest truth. "Ganji you cannot leave. Even if we let you go you can't." She closed her eyes, finding it hard to explain that to him. He scowled at her as if she was the worst thing on this earth, before he walked out of the room and slammed the doors shut making you jump. "Ganji!"

Emily stormed out after him, and you slowly followed behind her to the outside of the manor. It was cold out, yet Ganji did not seem to care. "I'm leaving." He said to himself gripping the iron gate that kept you all enclosed. "You can walk as far as you want but you can't leave!" Emily grew persistent and walked down the steps to him. "Do you know how many times we tried to get out of here? Each of us has tried at least once." He shut his eyes at her words, wanting to ignore them. "Well I'm different- I won't give up just because I don't know where I'm going." Emily frowned as you watched silently. "That's our problem, our egos are too high. We all think, because its us, things will go differently but they won't."

He turned to her as if he was going to say something, but turned back around, laying his head onto the bars. "Naib told me, after he hopped the walls he walked for at least an hour down that road, and when he thought he made it out, he walked right back to the manor. There were no turns on that road, no curves, it's a straight road, and he ended up back here. I'm sorry, Ganji, but you can't leave." He was quiet, and you walked down to stand beside Emily. "Ganji, it'll be okay." You said softly, and his shoulders jumped before he turned to you. "Okay?" You shrunk slightly behind Emily. "My mother, she wants me by her side, and I can't even show up to her deathbed? I haven't seen her in forever, and you're telling me its going to be okay?" He turned fully towards the two of you.

"You," He pointed to Emily, "You're a Doctor, how the hell do you expect me to deal with this?" Her eyes widened and she furrowed her brows. "Ganji, you- it's hard but-" He frowned the longer she spoke, even if it wasn't for long. "With an answer like that you should be the last person telling me to stop-!"

"My mother's going to think I- I don't love her anymore, when I miss her the most in this whole world, I need to see her- but I can't." His eyes shimmered, but he was too angry, turning to you, desperately. "What do I do?!"

"You cry!"

His eyes widened as Emily looked down at you swiftly, you slowly coming from behind her. "Cry." You knew he wanted to, anyone who loved their mother and couldn't be at her side while she was dying would make anyone tear up. "You're a good person." His eyes began to gleam, maybe because he had someone who finally allowed him to be soft. He had to be tough for a good chunk of his life or he never would of made it this far, so to be told to cry... He felt so much relief, but so much pain. "I may not know you completely yet, but I know you're a good person. So you're mother definitely knows that you wouldn't miss her on her deathbed for nothing."

He took his hand to his face and his shoulders shook as he tried to hold it back. "It hurts-" He struggled to get out, and you gained closer to him. "That's good, you crying, is you loving your mom... So," You grabbed his shoulders and he looked up at you with tear filled eyes. "cry, and yell, and shout, because that's your mom, and the louder you cry, the more it means you love her."

You hugged him in the most comforting way you could, and he grabbed onto you. "I want to go home." Any one here could have said those words to you, any one, but when Ganji said them, your heart churned violently. "We'll go together, I'll make sure..." He cried into your arm, still trying to seem like it wasn't such a big deal, like he wasn't yearning for something this badly, but his body wouldn't agree as he clung to you, hiding his face in your shoulder. "Take me home (Y/n).."

"One day, I'll take you home, Ganji."

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