☁︎ Tight Kiting - Wu Chang x Reader

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"Martha your so good at kiting!" Emma whined and the Coordinator basked in her glory. "Oh it's nothin'! Super easy if you ask me." You trailed behind them in low spirits. You were not the best at kiting, you barley got out of every match. But you were about to play, so you'd have to ask sooner or later...

"Uhm, Martha?" You walked up to catch the girl who turned to you. "Hm? What is it (Y/n)?" She smiled like always. She was so confident, and you admired that. "C-could you give me some tips? I have to go against W-Wu Chang today!" She stopped her walking and so did you. Emma continued her walk, the subject not to interesting for her anymore.

"Hmm, Wu Chang Huh?" She placer her knuckles under her chin to think. You stood their patiently, yet also ecstatic to hear her tips. "He's tricky," She said, and your sparky smile dropped. "But-! You just have to stay super close to him, since his range mostly goes out far."

Your eyes sparkled at the new found information. "Th-thank you!" You sped off to the queuing room where you would wait for your teammates and the hunter. You sat excitedly, as your teammates started to join you. Eventually everyone was here. Helena, Naib, and Eli. This looked like a good team, and your new found confidence reassured you.


Well, you lasted longer than you though! You were running in the snow, the cold air hurting your lungs but you couldn't stop now!

You ran and ran through a pallet and looked back. You should try it now. A sliver of space as White was getting ready to swing. You ran back towards him and squeezed right through. You wanted to cheer for yourself but you had to stay focused or you'd surely get caught.

Speaking of getting caught though, White hit the pallet and had to take recoil so you swiftly spun on your heel and slammed the pallet down. He backed up and was shocked at first as he stared at you astonished. But a look of sincere joy came about his face when he seen yours. You were smiling like a goof. "That was very good, you got me. It seems you're also impressed with yourself."

His words made you jump and a red flush came over your cheeks. "Y-yes! Thank you!" You rambled out bashfully at the hunters compliment. "W-well! I'm gonna keep runni-!"

"My dear." Your eyes widened at that name, but more importantly why he even beckoned a conversation all of a sudden. "Y-yes?" His smile didn't fade as he spoke his next words carefully. "I suppose... you asked on tips on how to kite me? With my long range and all, no?" Your heart dropped, but- what was wrong with asking for a little help? "I did! I-Is that not allowed or something?" You shuffled nervously as he lifted up his umbrella.

"Oh no, please, ask whoever you wish! But, it's just not me remember? I do hope you've been practicing with regular ranged hits dear."

Ah, you forgot. White threw out his umbrella and black liquid quickly filled the inside. You could never kite him, so you supposed because White was always able to knock you down in an instant, you never had the opportunity to meet his brother. You had completely forgot.

You quickly hopped the pallet that you just threw down before a piercing ring was heard in your head. You fell and flinched at the bell's use. "I-I'm sorry!" You said unexpectedly, the thought of apologizing would maybe make him stop chasing you. Well, there was one cipher left so you'd be sure to run as long as you could even if it meant getting hit. You were running up to a window so you turned, would take a hit, and would instantly vault afterwards.

But as you stopped and fearfully looked at the Hunter, the siren went off. Your eyes widened and you heard a faint sorry being shouted from across the map. "Y-you're kidding!" Before you could whip your eyes back to the Hunter you felt a hard shot of pain through your body. "Ah-!" Black had swung at you so hard it took you time to even sit up and hold your head.

You weren't an angry person, in fact you were everything but angry. But these events that just unfolded wrung your heart as you pouted. "It's no fair..." You whispered out, mainly to yourself. "I try my best, but the second I'm good at it, something else comes along and ruins it. I-It's not fair." You referred to how if one of the two had any problems chasing a survivor, they could simply call upon one another to help. But to you, that was... so unfair.

"I never should've come here I can't even help my teammat-."

"Quit crying already!" Your weary, tear filled eyes popped open as you turned up to Black. His expression was mostly annoyance, with a hint of something else you weren't sure of. "B-but I lost-!"

"Who cares!" He walked up to you and crouched down. "But-!" You were willing to tell him more about your awful performance, but he forcefully pushed your head down to look at the ground. You stared at it, tears falling every so often. "Did you run?" Your heartbeat quickened at his question, more so than it already was. "Y-yes." You said softly, trying to hold back a quiet wail. "Did you stun Xie, even if it was just once?" Xie? White? You connected that yourself, and hummed in reply. It seems he went quiet, debating on wether he should continue or not.

"Did you... try your best?" Your eyes widened before they squished together, your emotions getting the better of you. "Y-yes I tried really hard-!" You choked on your cry and sniffed, glad that he pushed your head down. The pressure atop your head softened and you seen him lay down the umbrella gently before he slowly and cautiously (as if he didn't know what he was doing) wrapped his arms around you. "Then that's all that matters. If you did your best, and gave everything you got, then there is nothing else you can do. But your everything is always enough."

Your breathing was gentle as you hesitantly grabbed onto him as well. You guessed, that was all you needed to hear. That your best was enough. Though you never expected to hear it from a Hunter, let alone Black. He always acted like an obnoxious child when it came to emotions, so you weren't to shocked when you heard his next set of words, and you laughed lightly in reply. "I'm still going to chair you!!"

"I figured."

Bunii would like to say, if you go down and someone says 'thank you' sarcastically, don't listen to them (ò_óˇ) If you did your best than that's all that matters, is trying your very best! We all have good and bad days, don't be sad over someone whose not worth your time saying "thank you!" be strong for Bunii ✌︎('ω')✌︎

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