☁︎ Agitation - Naib x Reader

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Compensation for the last one ;^;

"Just shut it already!"

"I'm only trying to help you!"

You jumped at the sound of the kitchen doors bursting open, Emily holding a cup of coffee quickly shuffling over to the table you sat at. "Here we go.." She said softly, but it was ever so apparent that she was annoyed. She took a sip and set the cup down, leaning her face onto her hand as she watched two figures come walking in.

"I don't need your 'help'!"

You took your cup to your face, avoiding eye contact with the couple at all costs. Naib grabbed a plate as Martha followed behind, yelling at him loudly. "You can't refuse help and keep complaining about how crap your life is!" You cringed at that, and even Emily's nose scrunched up at the harsh words. "Maybe I just want someone to tell me it'll be okay!" He screamed at her, making you and the Doctor jump, but Martha only glared. "So even if you're living in a dump you want someone to tell you it's gonna be alright!?"

"What!? No- just-!" He threw the plate onto the counter as it clattered making you flinch. "Y'know what! Yeah, I would!" He gave up on breakfast and moved himself over to a cupboard and opened it, pulling out a flask. You whipped your head to Emily who squinted. "Didn't know that was in there..." She turned to her coffee and took a sip.

"Now you're drinking again! Drink something that'll actually help your body!"

"Stop fucking nagging me already! I'm a grown man I'm gonna drink when I wanna drink."

You slowly ate your scrambled eggs by Emily as the show went on. That's what it was these days, a show, no one could do anything but watch, Lord forbid sides were taken, things would only escalate. So it was left to run on until they grew tired or someone 'won'. Most of the time, Naib walked away and drank, in fact you believed you seen him drinking more than ever these days.

In the midst of your thoughts, the table shook, dragging you from your mind to look up and see none other than Naib across from you. The bickering continued, Emily was not surprised. They would argue for hours as if they were the only two people on earth, blocking out anything and everything else. "Just listen to me! I'm trying to help!"

"You're help fucking sucks." You could tell by his husky voice that he was growing tired already of the fighting. Naib was a tired old man, compared to Martha who seemed energetic and ready to take on the world. Two opposites, you thought that was supposed to work well... In fact, you all had thought there was never more a perfect pair, but now... it was clear they were too different- too prideful. You mindlessly stared at the conversation, before you focused in on piercing eyes. Your breathe hitched and your eyes widened, before you even realized you and Naib had locked contact.

"Help me."

Your eyes, despite being so wide, grew soft and sad at that. From an outside perspective he said that to make Martha mad, and she did grow rather angry. "Am I that unbearable!?" She snapped at him, and swiped for his flask which seemed wasn't a good idea. He grabbed her arm and moved his flask away, looking at her with such a hated expression, she pulled her arm back and he let go before standing up and taking a swig.

She scowled at him, perhaps waiting for him to say something else to make her mad. But he stopped, looked down at you, and placed the flask by your side. "Here, you'll need that after listening to the shit show we are." And he stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked out the doors. "W- we are not a shit show!" She seemed embarrassed, going after him before Emily called her. "Martha," The young girl looked back and Emily beckoned her over. "Don't, it'll just be more fighting and it's still so early. Save some for after dinner yeah?"

IdentityV - OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora