☁︎ Useful - Naib x Reader

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Vera shouted at the top of her lungs, not with fear but with anger.
The match had not gone as smoothly as any of you had hoped. Poor Tracy was sent off in a split second and now Vera was chaired. Only one cipher had been done. How did it come to this? Well, although it was not nice to say, it was true. Naib has messed up his rescue with Tracy. You never would have thought he would fail, but it was the Clown this time.

By using his little, and annoying, trick, he would hold his charged attack then strike again. Naib gained a Terror Shock and in a panic went straight back to untying the young girl, only to be hit once more. And just like that the game went downhill.

"All better." You said softly to Naib. You had finished healing him up, and it wasn't easy. Honestly you wished Emily was here to help, she was quick when it came to healing Naib unlike everyone else, however she was not participating in today's match. "Thank you..." Your ears caught sadness in his voice as he stood up to rescue Vera, but you decided not to press into his feelings. He was always isolated, didn't like sharing how he felt. "Good luck." You whispered softly, enough for him to hear before he headed to Vera's direction.

You decided to just decode, nothing else you could do, but the debuffs gained did not help anyone. Naib was hit, then Vera was rescued and he was hit again. He felt like he needed to protect her, after all this was sort of his fault the game went south.

"Agh!" You looked up to see not far that Vera was hit, downing her instantly. Naib ran towards you before falling, his health reaching its limit. "Geez why don't you have tide damnit!?" Vera groaned as the eerie clown walked to pick her up. You crouched down to Naib and placed an arm around him before looking at Vera. The Clown picked her up and through her onto a chair. It was her final chairing, she would be sent to the manor now.

"You're completely USELESS!!"

She yelled loudly, not even worrying about the trip she was about to take. You had lost, there was no way you were getting out so you just prepared yourself for the pain that would come, as the Clown walked to you both.


"Sorry!" You said clasping you're hands and slightly bowing to Vera as an apology, but she only looked right through you. Behind you to be exact, to Naib. "It wasn't you." She pushed you aside, and Emily held you from stumbling. She walked to the roughed up male and crossed her arms. Vera was one who wouldn't take anything from anyone, and would be surprisingly straight forward. "It was you." She scowled, and Naib's eyes drifted to anywhere but her.

He was usually unbothered by anyone's problems with him, but maybe because this time it was about him not being helpful, or saving his teammates, he was hurt. To him, it was the only thing he did better than anyone here, so to be called out for it being done horribly, was probably a shot to the heart. "Vera." You said with a small plead in your voice. "It happe-."

"It shouldn't have. Not with him!" She glared at you next while pointing at the Mercenary. She seemed heated before Emily decided to step in. "Come now Vera, it was one match, it's not the end of the world." Her words held a soft yet demanding approach. Emily would often settle debates and fights, mostly because it would get everyone in a sour mood.

"Hmph, fine! But tell him to never play a match with me again, or Tracy, or even Helena, he can't protect them." And with a wave of her hand she walked off. Silence engulfed the room before Emily's soft steps were heard. "She's just upset, give her some time." She laid a hand on Naib's shoulder before walking away.


Naib's mutter barely reached your ears. "W-what?" You asked looking towards him now. His head was dropped and you couldn't see his face. "Am I really... useless?" Your eyes widened before you shuffled closer. "I think you did what you could. Not every match is going to be goo-."

"But I'm supposed to win! You heard her, I'm supposed to save people but I couldn't even save Tracy..."

He balled up his fists and you glanced down to see them. Seeing that, you unconsciously reached down and forcefully intertwined your fingers together. He jumped at your affectionate grab and looked at you. "You're not useless, if that's what's bugging you. You went to save Tracy, you went to save Vera, and you did everything in your ability. I think you're very useful actually." You smiled to him, hoping to cheer him up. His sharp eyes widened. He was never like this, and you didn't like it, so you decided it was better for everyone If you made him happy. "I- you do?"

You nodded. "You help me whenever I'm in trouble, and never leave me behind. You take hits for me too, thank you. I don't think I'd make it out of most matches if it wasn't for you." You sheepishly smiled, confessing to how clumsy you were known to be in games.

You seen his face shift from pure bewilderment, to a smug smile. "Yeah you need me don't you?" His grip tightened onto yours which had you smiling, plus his happy attitude. "Yeah haha..." You were embarrassed now as you scratched your head and looked away with a shaky smile.

He seemed to notice as he let go of your hand to your disappointment, but you felt his grip again, just not on your hand. A hold on your waist lifted you up and twirled you around. "Ah- Naib!" It was a fun adrenaline rush for a quick moment before he put you back down and leaned into you. His face in the crook of your neck. "I think your useful too."

Your cheeks flushed as you turned your head to his. "R-really?" You asked softly. "Oh, in matches yeah I guess you're okay." You instantly whacked his head. "That's mean!" You whined and he only laughed at your delicate strike.

But your eyes widened in thought. "Then, what do you mean? What am I good at if not matches?" He lifted his head up and his green orbs stared at you and you stared back. Despite his eyes always being intimidating, you were too intrigued to know what he was thinking. Useful at what?

"I think, you're useful to me." He said softly and your face held a bashful shock in it. "T-to you?" He nodded, almost as if he was flustered. "H-how so?" He seemed hesitant. "Gosh you're nosy." He mumbled and yopouted. He released you, but grasped your hand. Quickly and quietly, he made his way upstairs.

"A-are you going to answer me?" You asked, but he didn't say anything, just lead you further down the hall. He stopped, and opened a door. Ah- wait.

But as soon as you comprehended this was Naib's room, he pulled you in and shut the door. He turned back and engulfed you in his large embrace forcing you back onto his bed. "Ah- Naib what-!"

"You help me."

He whispered softly. You were quiet, hearing what he said but you didn't quite get it. "I do? How does that happen?" He pushes himself up and looked at you, a surprising pink hue across his cheeks. "Are you dumb?" He asked nervously, obviously not wanting to tell anything else. "Yes."

He paused before he leaned back onto you. In defeat, he understood you would not leave him alone til he told you. He wrapped his arms around you and for a random support, you held him best you could.

"Earlier you said, I help you by constantly keeping you safe, and without me, you wouldn't have made it out of so many matches."

You hummed, confirming that's just what you said in the foyer.

"Well, you help me, by making me smile, and feel better. Without you... I wouldn't be happy."

He said nothing else. You tightened your hold on him, a tingling sensation in your stomach. "You make me happy too." You whispered, and his warming hold grasped harder. You felt you would probably stay like this awhile, so you closed your eyes gently.

"I'm glad I do."

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