♠︎ in another universe - Colonel Dax Naib x Reader

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"(Y/n)! I'm not kidding!" Laughter echoed through the house, sun shining through the windows. "No way, you're going with those bad influence teens instead of hanging out with me!" Although you were both sharing playful banter, you meant what you said.

Naib was a few years older than yourself, so naturally school wise he had his own set of friends and you had yours. But you hated it, absolutely despised when he chose them over you, it was horrific! You and Naib had been friends since you were practically wearing diapers as your mothers were good friends.

Nothing had broken your bond since, and you weren't about to let a random group of teenagers three years older than you poke at it.

"(Y/n) it's just one day of studying- I'll be back tonight!" He chased you around the house before you made it to a table where you both had a stand off on either side. "Then I'll help you study instead!" It's true that Naib would be back tonight, and he would never leave you behind. "What?! No way!!" but... maybe you were just an over thinker. You thought of all the worst things that could happen to Naib while you aren't with him. And what if one day... he didn't come back?

"Naib Subedar!" You both turned to see the boys mom come around the corner and fear struck the boys face. "Treat (Y/n) like a proper lady and quit chasing her around the house, poor girl!" The boy gave an exasperated sigh before turning back to you. "Are you for real? You don't want me to go?" He was asking you, seriously. And you nodded, almost meekly not expecting him to fold over so easily. "Naib what if one day you'll choose them over me?" It was rare for your shallow tone of voice to reach your throat and come out in the open.

You clutched the book Naib was so desperately trying to grab from you this whole time over your face, until he slowly came up to you. He took a deep breath and let it out. "I would never leave you so unexpectedly, you know that!" He gently pried the book from your hands and set it on the table. "I'll stay then," He lifted you onto the table to sit as well, the idea of him suddenly being gone making you upset. "But this is the last time!!"

You snickered to you yourself. He said that last time... and before that, and before that and so on. You knew he would never leave as long as you wished it. He wouldn't leave.

"(Y/n)! I'm not kidding!" Strained voices were heard across the house along with the whimpering of Naib's mother echoing in your ears vaguely. There you stood, years later, in the same spot of that day. "I'm not kidding either!" You cried. He chased you around the table, and it made you cry, reminding you of when you were kids... but this time he was fast enough to grab your arm and tug you to him.

"Give it!" He shouted and you held onto the item in your arms for dear life as you violently shook your head. "No way!" You pushed against him while facing away from his harsh glare. "Damnit (Y/n)- why!?" You yanked yourself from his grip, it had gotten so much stronger... but maybe that's to be expected when you train for the army. "Because if I give you this- then you'll leave!" You held the cap in your arms tightly, back to the man to keep him from snatching it back. "Damn right I'll leave!"

He stomped to you and you pattered away to his mother. "Miss Subedar please! Don't let him touch me!" You ran behind the chair she was sat in as she brought a tissue to her eyes. "Listen!" She shouted with a crack in her voice. You both stopped in silence and looked at the woman. "Naib is going, (Y/n)... It's his choice." Your heart dropped to your stomach, and had this moment not been so bitter you were sure Naib would've gave you a winning smirk. However his face was blank, besides the soft thankfulness for his mom. "But..."

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