♠︎ Too Late - Naib x Reader

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"Yeah right! If anything Naib will be wearing the apron in that scenario." Demi let out a boisterous laugh, holding her stomach. How, how did you get here. You smiled along with the others, grabbing the couch you sat on. "I- I could find a job!" He argued, confident he could do more than slay people for a living. "Naib you could work at the circus!" Mike cheered with every good intention on earth. "I'm not joining the circus." The mercenary shut him down instantly to everyone's amusement.

What was this conversation about again?

"Emily is definitely the breadwinner in this case, sorry Naib. But I'm sure she'll buy you lots of flattering gifts."

Oh, right. Vera taunted him and the others laughed with good heart as you could only listen. "But then again, I think it's really good for you two to be together." Fiona beamed, holding her relic in her lap as Eli chimed in. "Yeah, a mercenary, and a doctor, it's like-" He stuck his tongue out and looked down at his hands before interlocking them. "Perfect fit." Fiona nodded again beside him. "Yes, all those wounds, I'm sure she'll take good care of you."

"As if he would have the money for medical visits anyways." Ada said sweetly. "I feel like I should be the one getting money- after taking care of us for so long, doesn't she need a break?" The man slouched on the chair, truly troubled with this idea and the others gave soft looks. You wanted to go up and hug him, but you guessed pretty well such a thing would be odd to a man who now had a lover. "The money. The compensation for this game, you can live off that for a while." Norton said nonchalantly before Demi slapped him on the back.

"Of course Norton would remember the money!" She laughed and he looked as bored as ever. "Money is the most important thing in this world I'll have you know. Personally I wouldn't be sharing it with someone I had feelings for." He crossed his arms and Demi just couldn't seem to leave him be. "That's why you don't have someone to kiss Norton, you'd marry gold if you could!" She pinched his cheek playfully and he sat there with no reply to her pokes.

"Nonetheless, it sounds perfect."

You couldn't listen to this anymore.

"Yeah, Naib can cook good when he wants too! If you're not workin' you better make her some killer breakfast."

You shuffled off the couch, trying to be as invisible a possible before finding an outlet past two of your peers.

You walked from the laughter and it grew quieter and quieter. In reality, that conversation made you sick. Your feelings for Naib, invalid just like that. You made a beeline for the infirmary, knowing Emily was out in a duo's match.

You found yourself looking for any sort of nausea relief, and sighed when you found none, plopping onto one of the beds. If only Emily were here, you thought to yourself sarcastically. "(Y/n)?" You whipped around to see Naib standing at the doorway, before coming in and sitting beside your stiff body. "I seen you leave, you were sort of stumbling, are you okay?" He brought a scarred hand to your forehead which made you regrettably turn red.

Doesn't this man know he shouldn't be touching other women with a lover?

"I- I'm okay Naib." You brought his hand down and he sighed. "Good, I don't really know how to do all that medic stuff." He fell back onto the bed and laid there, and you sat still with your legs stuck together. "Hey (Y/n)?" He said softly, and you shivered at your name coming from his lips so gently. "Yes?" He was hesitant, as he was quiet for a moment but finally spoke. You wish he hadn't.

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