☁︎ Dance - Moonlight Gentleman Joseph x Reader

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Decided that not all chapters will have covers, only for those I have time to make. ♥︎

You loved dancing. It kept you distracted from any hardships anyone had. Most of the time if somebody wanted to see you, they'd always catch you dancing. You wouldn't mind, but you would get a little embarrassed. But it was what they came to talk to you about which pulled you from your flushed feelings. You lived in a small town that had lots of legends and stories. You didn't really believe them, but you were still always superstitious. There were some that caught your attention though.

Being the dancer you are, you were fond of the one about a young woman who danced in a red kimono, but no one would ever look at her. They'd be too scared if they did, she would kill them. You didn't really get it, but you bet she danced quite nicely. The other one was very intriguing.

The moonlight in dreams is gentle and affectionate, but no one tries to dance with him.

It was a short yet poetic story, and its content made you slightly sad. The fact no one would dance with this fellow despite him being gentle and affectionate. He must've longed to dance, yet no one asked him.

You sighed, and came out of your thoughts to real life, your dress flowing behind you. Your dancing shoes patted against the ground as the ribbons went up your legs. Today was shopping day, as your mother sent you off to go get food and such. Despite how small the task sounded, it was a good 30 minute walk to the market and back, and shopping would take another 30 minutes. You seen the sun setting, it was already late ,so you spread up your walking. You also had to go get flowers for the garden, so that was a plus. Nonetheless comparing would only be stalling the inevitable of your chore, and you made your way to the market as quick as you could.

Getting all you needed, you sped your way back home to your home. Walking into the house, you greeted your family as they greeted you back. "I've gotten everything here before dark!" You cheered, eyes closed smugly. Your mother stared at what you had, her eyes flicking from each item to the next. "Flowers." Your eyes opened, your smile stuck on your face as she said that. "Hm?" She looked up at you dead in the eyes. "You forgot the flowers." Your smile slowly wavered into a frown as you skimmed your items. She was right. "Go get them, (Y/n)." She said, soft laughter emanating from her as she started taking what she needed from the pile. "B-but mom it's already pitch black out!" You protested. You hated the dark, and then you would be alone at that. "We have those important guests tomorrow (Y/n). Your a big girl now, just go in the woods behind the house, those will do. If you don't, no dancing for a week."

Your mouth hung. How devious of her. You blew a sigh and nodded, picking up a basket and lantern. "Won't be long." You said, making your exit as slow as possible hoping your mom would beckon you to come back. However her voice never rang for you as the click of your front door sounded. You stood on the porch hesitating to walk off, but sucked in a big breath before walking into the woods. You've never seen anything here besides animals, do you don't know why you were so frightened as you made your way deeper in, looking for flowers. Maybe it was because that one time you were young, you heard a howl back here. A wolf. You shivered at the thought of wolves being near by, but your mind let the idea go as you arose to your destination. Flowers of every kind circled on open spot in the forest where the moonlight shown through.

You admired the moon before skimming the flowers, determined to pick out the most beautiful. You found a branch sticking out from one of the trees, and hung your lantern up as you crouched down to pick the flowers. You were actually enjoying yourself quite well. Until you heard a rustle in the bushes behind you. You stopped what you were doing and debated turning around. As your head slowly turned you confirmed nothing was behind you, sighing in relief. You turned your head back and stared back at two bright blue eyes with a slitted pupil. You were processing still. Wait for it. ... "AHHH-!" The male ,you were guessing from his attire, put his hand over your mouth.

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