♠︎ Together - Moonlight Gentleman Joseph x Reader Pt. 2

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I apologize for any spelling errors, usually when chapters are this long, I tend to get discouraged with traditionally spell checking.


You had just come back from the market with your mother. As you walked back into your cozy country home, you noticed a vase of flowers on the dining table. "Ah about those, you must show me where you found them later, they're gorgeous." Your mother said, walking past you. However you'd also like to know. You don't remember getting any flowers at all, let alone such pretty ones. They were an enchanting blue that seemed to glow in the light.

After admiring them, you followed your mother into the kitchen. She had already started cooking, and you joined her. You started cutting fruits of all sorts for a snack bowl, but this reminded you of a question you had. "Oh, by the way mom, who are the guests?" You asked sweetly, getting ready to cut another fruit. Though your mother seemed to hesitate answering as she stirred a boiling pot of soup. "Suitors." Slice. You cut through the fruit easily and the knife hit the cutting board. You felt you forgot what you were doing as you didn't move a muscle. "S-suitors? F-for who?" You asked, hoping they were for you sister. She was always into this love thing, but could never settle. "For your sister...... and you." She mumbled.

You quietly placed the knife down, and stared at the fruit before you. "Why? I don't want to get married." Your mother didn't look at you, but she could feel you boring holes into her. "(Y/n), dear, you're growing up, and not once have you brought home a boy. You'll end up alone and it makes me sad you haven't found steady ground yet." You were about to protest how young you still were, but you were turning 20 in two weeks. She was right. You were getting older. And not once have you ever felt anything for the boys in this town of yours. Sure some of them would call you beautiful and pretty, but you never felt they were genuine.

If you didn't find someone at 20, it would've twice as hard as 30. And as you aged so did your parents. They wouldn't be able to hoisebyou forever. The older you got, the harder it would be to find someone. Love or not, in this day n' age, a woman couldn't live on her own, let alone a young one.

"Please just give them a chance." Your mother beckoned. Her long hair swaying as the kept cooking. Silver strands of hair visible. You looked back down to your cutting board. "Okay." You said. The rest of the cooking went silently as you two didn't say a word.

You sat patiently inside, the windows open letting in a warm breeze. Your sister had gone out and picked out dresses for you both, she did your hair as well with a bow in the back. You looked at her as she waited eagerly. At least she was excited. "Vera, do you think you'll get your Mr. today?" You were uneasy. You've never met these guys yet, and weren't even given a preview, heck. Your sister looked at you, excitement apparent in her eyes. "Are you kidding!? I'm definitely gonna dazzle them!" She snicker from her own attitude. You giggled as well, as she lifted your spirits. That was until you heard a few knocks on the door. Your calm state you earned only a few seconds ago turned to one of anxiety as you stood up scared. What are you scared of? I don't know! I'm just scared! Your sister sat up and skipped to the door as your mother trailed behind her. She made eye contact with you and beckoned you over, you hesitantly followed. The brunette girl opened the door to two very handsome men, it almost made you forget how nervous you were. "Ah hello, are you the (L/N)'s?" A boy with messy black hair asked, though you couldn't ignore the burn mark on his left eye. Despite that he seemed happy as ever. You mother walked forward. "Yes! Please come in!" She lead them to the spacious dining room where food galore waited. "These are my daughters. Vera," She pointed to your sister and she curtsied very elegantly. "Greetings." She said. "-and (Y/n)." It was your turn now. You blushed heavily and also curtsied. "Nice to meet you." You said softly. You stood back up straight and faced the men, and the one with the burn on his eye spoke first. "Nice to meet you too. I'm Norton, and this is Eli." He gestured to his buddy who had brown hair and bright blue eyes. They reminded you his. Joseph's. "Hello." He said humbly. He smiled at you, and you smiled back. "Well please help yourselves, I just have to go meet their father at his work. Feel free to go where you'd like." Your mother then walked off to the front door and left.

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