♠︎ Already Taken - Eli x Reader pt. 2

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I usually do part two(s) if I feel it could be done and it's highly requested, but there will almost never be a part three if requested.

This was awful.

"Eli can you get me this?"


"Can you work a little more?"

Truly Hell

"Maybe if you were actually good at what you did you could make me happy."

The Seer couldn't take it anymore. Was she always like this? So demanding and spoiled, ungrateful and hurtful. Did he really marry this? She was horrible. Nothing like you. "Eli, if you don't step it up in your job, we won't have money to live luxuries." Speak of the devil. "Gertrude- isn't living happily enough?" Eli spoke sourly. It was ironic what he said, as if they were happy, which was just an illusion. She huffed as she walked into the room he was in. Sun shining through the windows. They seemed to be the only unhappy people in town this sunny evening.

"Well, clothes and jewelry make me happy. Plus, aren't you happy having a wife as beautiful as me? Ungrateful I swear." She hissed. The woman crossed her arms. When Eli looked at her he couldn't help but pity himself. She was two faced, always scowling inside, but in public she would act as if she was an angel.

"I- I work my best! I'm doing everything I can. N-not to mention I bought you something last week- aren't you ever satisfied?" Despite the unbearable fury the Seer held, he was never one to get angry, not enough to even harm someone. His pleas were instead full of strain and suffering. He could not do anymore than he already was.

"I'll be satisfied when I'm happy." She sneered, her eyebrows furrowed. The Seer stood up and looked at her with weary eyes. "...You are not happy?" As soon as his voice cracked the woman seemed to realize what she said. "Oh Eli! I didn't mean it like that- of course I'm happy!" She stumbled over to him as if it depended on her life style... which it did. Eli would most likely get a divorce, and Gertrude knew that. She was desperate to not loose her source of income.

Her hands held his as he looked down at her, like his mind was shifting wether he should shove her away or listen to her comforting words. "Eli I'm happy, but you-!" Before she could finish, Eli threw her hands down fiercely.

"There it is- it's always me! I told you I'm doing my best but I can't help you. We aren't rich, we aren't fortunate enough to have everything we want! But I thought if someone at least loved a spoiled brat like yourself, you'd be happy." She stared at him with fear. Not that he would harm her, she knew he wouldn't (and took advantage of that most the time). She was afraid he'd throw her out.

He placed his hands on his face overcome with stress as he breathed heavily. "I'm going out." He sighed, brushing past his wife's silent form. When he left he didn't plan on coming back for a while.

He walked on the sidewalk, no certain destination in mind for a while, just lost in thought. Until he heard a familiar voice. "Mr. Clark! Fancy seeing you here." His ice blue eyes shifted to a woman's appearance. "Emily!" He smiled as she did, and went to hug her. It must've been tighter than both expected with a tap from the Doctor. He hadn't seen anyone from the manor in years. "You don't need formalities Emily, just call me Eli like you used too." He said as he released her.

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