♠︎ Worse Than You - Naib x Emily

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All the Mercenary would think about was his past mistakes. It's what kept him distant and secluded. No one knew for what reason though. Fear of loosing friends again? Fear of hurting others? Or was he just scared of everyone in general, and not able to trust them? No one knew, and know one tried to know. Until it was getting almost annoying to a certain someone. Emily.

Today was the day. She would ask Naib to join the rest of them for dinner. She simply told the others she had something to do and start without them, not knowing how long it would take.

Her knuckles came in contact with the hard door. Once, twice, three times. "What?" A deep and groggy voice was muffled on the other side. Perhaps he was sleeping. "Naib, I was wondering if you wanted to join us for dinner?" He knew who it was by the voice, but the question irked him. "What? Who do you think I am, Emma? Always wanting to eat together? Hell no. Leave me alone."

Well then. She sighed and was tempted to leave before she felt curiosity run through her. "Why?" She asked through the door. "Huh!?" He sounded annoyed but she pushed through.

"Why don't you like associating with me and the others?"

Silence followed for a moment before foot steps stomped their way to the door, and it flew open.
"None of your business, that's why!" He yelled. She stood in more surprise than fear, unlike the others would have reacted. "You opened the door." She said looking down, and back up. "So what?" He asked.

She looked down and placed her foot in the door way, only to look up and say. "Now I won't leave til you tell me why." A strained look came across his face as he looked down to the young girl. He backed into his room and slowly closed the door, seeing if she'd move. Nothing. He kept lightly hitting her foot with the door in hopes of a reaction, but she only said a very bland 'ow' to every tap.

This time he swung the door open with great force and started swinging it closed at an amazing speed, so much so, Emily was almost impressed. However she didn't move her foot as the door came to a speedy close. She trusted him. But she did have a slight bit of worry.

The door was just about to slam on her small foot until it came to an abrupt stop, just a centimeter before contact. She looked through the crack of the door to see the Mercenary lean on the door frame and sighing. "Please leave." He said.

Her eyes widened, and she almost took her foot back at his pleading words. Almost. "Sorry, but I'm keen on knowing why. Please tell me, maybe I can help?" She pushed on the door ever so slightly, catching his attention, but he refused. "No." "Yes." She insisted more and more til she was about in his room. Emily slid in to the side and Naib almost grabbed her to toss her out but she gained enough distance away from him.

"Please." She said. His eyes showed annoyance, but he closed the door and sat down on his bed. She hesitantly followed and sat down lightly next to him. "So, Why?" She asked once more. He slouched and It took a minute for him to respond. "Because I'm a bad person." Her eyes widened and she almost felt guilty.

"You're not a bad person." She replied looking at him from the side. He scoffed and sat up straight. "Out of everyone here, I'm the worst one. I've killed hundreds of people- even since I was a kid!" She let him shout and get loud, after all he was only a child when recruited into the army. "Doesn't that... make you sick?"

Almost too quickly she shook her head to his surprise. "What-!" "There's always someone worse than you. You were forced to kill in your line of duty, others kill for sport. And sometimes there's an in between. You know what your doing is wrong, and you can stop it, but you choose not to." She tried referring to herself with that last bit. She wanted to let him know she did worse things in her past than him, but it was harder letting it out then she thought.

He stared at her in disbelief. "Lets say, there was a... nurse, who was very trusted in her small town. Graduated top of her class. She built a good reputation and helped everyone who came to her. She had her own clinic that was well known for curing any sickness." Naib didn't understand but let her continue her strange story. "But one day people started going missing. The town grew smaller and smaller. Until they found out, their nurse had been keeping patients, and experimenting on them with deadly and illegal practices. She used their trust to trick them. Not only that but she helped woman have illegal abortions, which almost always ended in death."

She looked him in the eyes, almost wanting leave but asked him anyways. "Would you say, you're worse than her? She didn't have a reason to, she wasn't forced to do that, and she could have most definitely stopped it all from happening. Is she somehow better than you?" The Mercenary was in shock, mostly with Emily's crazy tale, but he nodded. "That's just a story though." He said almost upset.

She looked away for a second in thought. He must not have been here when the news came out. "What If I told you it was true?" He jumped at her quick announcement with wide eyes. "Wh-What?" She leaned in. "Does the name Lydia Jones sound familiar to you? Read it in a paper ever? Heard it on the streets?" He thought for a moment. "Is that what that talk was about?" He asked subtly and she nodded.

"Well- it's different. I don't know that person, so I can't measure up to that. I can only relate to everyone here, and I've already declared I'm worse than everyone here."

Emily scowled at the boy before standing up. "Do I look like an Emily? Like if you saw me in the streets, you'd go, 'hey that girl looks like an Emily'?"

"I- uh- I guess, yeah. You look like an Emily." He said, his hands gripping the sheets at her mysterious behavior. She seemed saddened by his response. Did she really look like an 'Emily'? She sighed. "I see."

She got in front of him and sat on the floor, extending her hand to him before he shoved it away. "Woah- what are yo-?!" She chucked a book at him that she picked off the ground. "Don't think like that. Here." She held out her pinky as he held his face that was in subtle pain from the book. "Can you promise me something?"

He looked at her upset. "I don't know depe-." "I'm leaving." She said. "Nononono-! Fine, what am I promising?" She smiled and locked her pinky with his. "To not tell anyone else what I'm gonna tell you."

He gave her a suspicious look but shook pinky's. "I promise not to tell anyone else what you're about to tell me." And it was done.

So she said in the most quiet voice she could muster. "My name is Lydia." His eyes widened and his mouth opened as if he was about to say something but she continued. "I killed more than 50 people at the Lydia Jones clinic with illegal practices and torture methods. I used shock therapy on a little girl name Lisa Beck, who was later renamed Emma Woods. One day, when I was almost caught for all my crimes and wrong doings, I fled, and went under a different name, Emily Dyer. Then I was invited to a manor, and I promised to myself that I would help the little girl I broke in my clinic. But I've yet to do so." She finished up.

It almost felt like a weight off her chest, but she waited for the Mercenary's reaction before resting. "I-... Emi-Lydia-...?" She almost chuckled at his confusion on what to call her. "Call me Emily please, I don't like to be associated with the name Lydia anymore. It sickens me." Her eyes were dark when she said that but once she looked back up to him she lightened her features. "Well, Emily-... Why did you do it?"

He seemed to be more intrigued in her past which was not what she wanted. She ignored his question, stood up and brushed off her skirt. "Do you feel better now? You can't judge yourself without knowing anything about those around you." Dinner was probably over but she was still hungry, so she turned to leave only to have the door stopped when she opened it. She looked up a sense of confusion washing over her. Surely he wasn't trying to pester her to talk even more about herself. "...Can I eat with you?" Her eyes widened in surprise. Naib wanting to eat with someone other than alone in his room or at some ungodly hour? She smiled, and nodded. "Sure."

He smiled softly, and followed her to dinner. She knew he was bad, but there were worse people than him. She was worse than him.

'I'm worse than you'

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