☁︎ Hazy - Aesop x Reader

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"Congratulations everyone!" Martha cheered loudly, throwing up her wine glass. Everyone did the same and cheered with her. The manor has went another year with an 80% win rate. Everyone congratulated each other as they drank the butter liquid. You however, kept to grape juice. You weren't much of a drinker, even on occasions like this. You were actually quite nervous around everyone. In their drunken states, they were very... optimistic and wild.

Out of the corner of your eye you seen Vera waltzing up to you. Even without any kind of alcohol, she was feisty. "(Y/〜n) dear!" The girl walked up, and slung an arm around you. "Why don't you have some real juice? It'll make ya feel better~!" She brung her glass to your face and the smell was intriguing yet also a warning as you backed away. "Leave her be Vera. If she doesn't want it don't give it to her." Your (E/c) eyes shifted to the sound of support. "C'mon Aesop she needs to loosen up a little. We're not gonna give up on her tonight y'know." Vera said. Aesop walked up to you and the brunette, gently taking her arm from around you and pulling you close. "Leave her be." Vera gave a pout before scoffing and walking away. "Thank you." You said softly. The silver haired male took a minute as he stared into your eyes. Though the warmth of your body hit him hard as he jumped back. "Sorry- you just seemed really against what she was offering..." you chuckled and waved your hand. "Don't worry about it, she would have left sooner or later I'm sure." You gave him a thankful and reassuring smile before finishing your juice. "I'll go to my room now, I don't want anyone else to try and get me drunk." You laughed hesitantly as you made your way to your room, silver eyes watching you go.

"Aesop c'mon, bed time." Martha shook Aesop's shoulder a bit roughly in attempt to move him but no use. He was as still as a rock. Most everyone had gone to bed, but Naib stayed to help Martha try and get Aesop up. "Why're you so upset anyways?" Martha asked. After you had left he felt melancholy. You left the party because you didn't want to be forced to drink. "(Y/n) left... because everyone was gonna force her to drink. She missed out because of us..." Naib and Martha shared understanding looks as the intoxicated boy moped. Martha continued the shaking as Naib fled off somewhere else.

Before you even realized, green eyes stared at yours in your dark room. "Ahh-!" Naib put a hand over your mouth, and shushed you. "We need you to take Aesop to his room, he won't listen to us." You obliged, knowing he wouldn't leave you alone unless you accepted. Once you both arrived, him and Martha left which you thought was a bit rude. No Intel on the situation or help? Okay- whatever you could do this yourself. Your eyes drifted to Aesop, head in arms, and an empty bottle of wine next to him.

You were instantly worried as you rushed over to him. "Aesop?" You placed your soft hands on his shoulders and shook him gently. It took a few shakes but he finally looked up to your relief. Your eyes scanned his features, his mask was no longer on him and his face tinted red. You instantly knew he was intoxicated. "(Y/n)?" He gently called your name but a bit of longing was sewed into his tone. "Come on Aesop, I'll bring you to bed." You helped lift him up as you both walked slowly. His arm over your shoulder as he leaned into you, you thought it was sweet though he only added more weight to carry.

As you were almost to his room, he stopped, which in turn stopped you. "What's wrong?" You asked. He turned to a door and opened it, and only then did you realize it was your room as everyone locks their doors when asleep. "Ah- Aesop that's-!" But he already let go of you and walked in. You didn't know what to do as you stood outside in a panicked state. You seen him make a B line for your bed and flop down, so you just followed after him. "Aesop this is my room not yours-" "I know." He cut you off, knowing the situation. You blushed slightly as you tried multiple times to persuade him into his own room but they all failed.

"I want to sleep with you." He said, his eyes slowly shifting to you as you sat down on the edge of your bed, cheeks heating up. You were about to tell him to leave once more but his hands looked around your waist and head on your lap. "I feel bad you couldn't enjoy the party with us. So I'll sleep with you." You were surprised how open and touchy he could be in this state. Usually he would jump at the slightest brush of air on his neck, especially if it was a girl who just needed to grab something next to him. "If I say yes, will you go to sleep?" You said petting his hair. It always looked soft but you never got close enough to touch it. He seemed to enjoy your soft touch of affection as he hummed a yes, so you sighed and allowed it. "Okay, at least sleep correctly." You helped him under the covers and you stayed on top of the sheets for your own sake but Aesop didn't seem to like it.

"You'll get cold." He said, obviously annoyed how you were not under the sheets. "That's okay, just sleep now." You didn't hear anything after that for about ten seconds til shuffling occurred. "Then I won't either. That way I can keep you warm." You looked back to see he kicked the sheets off himself and he was taking his suit jacket off. Your animal instincts kicked in as you flinched. "What are you doing-?!" You sat up abruptly as he quickly put it over you and forced you back down, wrapping his arms around you and pulled you close. Ah-... now what. "Now we can sleep..." He mumbled, his face behind your neck.

He was cold. But it was a good refreshing cold. It was nice against your embarrassed state which gave off a large amount of heat. "Okay, goodnight Aesop." You said and closed your eyes. You didn't get a reply so you guessed he was already asleep. All of this would most likely be a hazy memory to him in the morning. But you wouldn't mind reminding him of how much you enjoy his affection.

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