♠︎ Rejection - Aesop x Reader Pt. 2

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"You WHAT?" Emily scolded Vera as you stood in dismay. Vera asked some of us to meet up at her house today, that something urgent had happened. "H-he just wasn't the one, so I went out to meet other guys... not like it's a crime! I wasn't actually getting intimate with th-!"

"It's still wrong!" You said sourly as the others gave you surprised looks. Vera looked worried for herself as you walked to her sitting form. "You don't just do that Vera! You don't go meet other guys when you're married." Her eyes told you she knew what she did was wrong, but she was always so stubborn. Like when you asked her to give Aesop a chance and she was only annoyed by your question.

"Especially to Aesop! You know how he his, he's too delicate to take your bullshit! You tell him to change and he'll say he will, but he won't, he'll never change from who he his. Not without love! But you aren't giving him a lick of it- instead it seems your giving it to all these other random guys your hooking up with! I can only imagine how distraught he looked when he found out, that the love of his life since then, cheated on him like some fucking SKANK!"

At this point you were holding her by her collar, her eyes shaking with fear.

"If you don't know how to change for him, maybe you shouldn't have ever gotten married!"

You threw her down into her chair. No one ever took you for the harsh type so this was a surprise. The only one who looked slightly amused was the mercenary. You were always so sweet at the manor, but all of a sudden, you snapped. Why? Emily knew perfectly well. You cherished Aesop like gold, and the fact that you entrusted, and even helped him get with Vera in the first place, boiled your feelings over.

She didn't know what she lost. To herself she probably lost nothing but 5 years of her life she'll make up for with someone else. To you, she lost her entire life. But of course she didn't see it that way.

She didn't love him like you did.

"I'm going out. I have to find him." You grabbed your coat and umbrella as it was raining out, not even looking back to your shocked friends. A hand firmly grabbed your arm before you walked out of the lovely home. You turned to see Emily.

"Be careful, and find him. We'll be right behind you."

You softened your expression and nodded, leaving into the cold rainy night.


"Yo'kay son?" A country woman wiping down a glass asked a boy at the bar. The silver haired male had his face laid down on his cheek, as he looked at the glass of alcohol.

"I'm pretty sure my wife's been cheating on me for five years." He mumbled, eyes red and puffy. "I'm sorry sonny, I'm sure-." "Actually I never should have married her." Aesop closed his eyes and thought to himself. "Oh? Why's that?" The girl asked leaning over the bar.

"There was this girl I knew. I always viewed her as a friend of mine, because she would always support me and cheer me on, even worry for me 24/7..."

He opened his eyes and sat up straight, looking into his glass. "When I told her I liked this girl, she seemed sad and I didn't know why. She kissed me, and told me that's how I should kiss her. She helped me marry the girl who I loved then. I was so blinded by my puppy love that I didn't even see that she loved me."

His face started to turn into a pained one the longer he thought about it. "How'd you know she loved ya?" The bartender noticed Aesop's face fall into a look of failure. "She told me. At my wedding, as I left the alter with my wife. She smiled when she said it too."

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