♣︎ Patient - Joseph x Reader

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Sorry- I'm no good with these kinds of things o(;ω; )o

Why are you even here? Nothing was wrong with you, at least you thought that. Unlike the other patients here you were very calm minded and behaved well most of the time. You would only get aggravated if your time was wasted or someone was talking to you about something you didn't care about. And- maybe you tried to bite a Doctor before but in your defense he wasn't supposed to be in your cell at three in the morning.

"(Y/n)?" You looked up and seen one of the Doctors there, Emily. She wasn't quite sure why you were here either. She was curious and checked you secretly once but found nothing wrong.

You stood up from your rather luxurious cell and smiled, walking up to the bars. "Hello." Her expression faltered at your cheerful demeanor. "Oh come on, I know you don't like me or anyone here." She chuckled as she unlocked your cell door, her words never faltering your smile.

"Oh you're right Emily I hate you and everyone here~!" It was true, no one would let you out. True they didn't know why you were in here and it could've been something bad yet your attitude was always so well behaved. Why would Dr. Desaulnier want to keep you here?

Your smile never left as she walked you to another room. You knew exactly where you were going, like every other day, you would meet with Doctor Desaulnier. He would only have these private lessons with you and when you asked him he gave the most boring answer.

"You are redeemable."

How idiotic, is what you always thought. Emily stopped and opened the door with her key card, stepping aside. "You know what to do, Joseph should be here in 5 minutes." You walked in and sat in the most uncomfortable chair in this facility you were sure, and with that Emily closed the door and left.

You hated this, you already graduated school 4 years ago so why were you taking these hellish 'classes'. Here in this cold white and dim room, you would be taught about society. How it functions and how the people play an important part. Why would he tell you these specific things? Well...

"You're here already." You jumped and turned around, eyes droopy and tired. Low and behold there he was in all his glory. His sky blue eyes and silver hair. If he wasn't pretty much your warden you would've killed him and taken his body to you place to cherish. Oh yeah, you were kind of a sociopath, but that's not important.

What WAS important was the flurries of butterflies in your stomach every time you had a 'lesson'. You would pinch yourself to not feel such a way, but it was inevitable.

He walked up in front of you, smiling like always. Despite such a crude job and working environment this guy seemed ecstatic about his life. "Why do you teach me?" You asked, already knowing the answer as you've asked more than a thousand time by now. You slouched in your chair as he turned to you, his gaze heavy on your shoulders. "(Y/n)." He said sweetly.

Oh no-

He swiftly made his way up to your flustered form and placed his hands on your shoulders easing you up and moving along your back to keep straight. "I believe you can be released back out there, you just need a little more affection." You knew he didn't mean it like that, you grew up with- let's say a really mean family, and one day you decided to give them what they deserved. Since then you kind of just started to hurt people who hurt you.

You regretted it, knew it was wrong, and that's why Joseph believed he was able to save you.

You were silent, not knowing what to say to him as your eyes lingered on the floor. He hummed and walked back up to the board. When he began talking you couldn't help but think how lucky you were. The owner of this whole facility took the time out of his day to teach and help you back into society. You were really grateful but you'd never tell him.

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