☁︎ Relax - Eli x Reader

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People from Amino- it has arrived :) Thank you for being patient ♥︎

"Here you go Emily!" You said sweetly as you carried a heavy box to the kitchen where Emily had waited for you. "Thank you for helping me once again (Y/n)" The Doctor said as she hurriedly filled it with books. "It's no problem, I'll always help if you need anything! I need to help!" She held in a giggle. "You'll help anyone but I never see you helping Eli. Why's that?" Your eyes widened. "I- uhm..." She turned and crossed her arms. "You get nervous around him, do you like him?" She smiled widely waiting for your answer but you kept quiet and looked away. The Doctor sighed. "Well... I will help anyone else when they need something." Your words were soft and shaky, and Emily gave you a weary smile. "My dear you always work so much in the manor- I'm afraid you'll wear yourself out." You smiled to her was all.

"I'll be fine!" You told her what you felt. You were fine, always were. You were used to working so much it just became a habit. You always needed to be doing something, could never sit still. Helping people, it felt good, but it was strangely like a drug where you needed to constantly do it. Nothing was ever enough, you'd wait countless hours awake in the night, hoping someone would knock on your door for assistance. It happened only a few times, but it was not common.

Before this manor, you would help your family like a wild woman with whatever would come to light. Perhaps it was just a bad habit, or maybe it was for comfort... you missed them dearly, and left without a word. This, was possibly your coping with that. However, you ignored the past best you could here, and helped your new friends instead.

"I know you're fine, you say you are at least, you never show any signs of being under the weather, but still..." She stopped filling the box and came up to you. Her hands gently took yours and inspected them. "Even if you say you're fine which I'm glad you are, that doesn't mean I don't want you to take care of yourself."

She looked at you softly before she breathed out. Emily knew you would not just stop helping around because she told you to. "You're too kind." She mumbled. So she grabbed your shoulders and turned you around. "I- I can still help trust me! I'll take care of myself when I have time-!"

"You never have time to even fix yourself a snack in the day." She pushed you to who knows where as you thought about her words. It was true you were always sidetracked. You'd help Tracy a lot in the day, and when you weren't doing that you'd help Helena with whatever you could. You'd even always help make dinner. You couldn't help the bad habit but she was right. You never got to just sit down and relax, though frankly the thought made you uncomfortable.

She pushed you outside the front doors to your surprise as you became uncomfortable. "Can I fix something out here?" You asked and she simply scowled at you. "Actually, I think you need some fixing."

You now walked with her to a garden, it was very pretty but nothing seemed broken or messy. "What are we gonna do here?" The Doctor turned around and smiled. "Not me, I'm going back inside to finish up, you on the other hand," She once more pulled you to a grassy area and you seen two people here as you approached. "Will stay with him." She gestured you to Eli and Fiona who now turned at the Doctors voice.

"B-but I need to help you still!" She ignored your plea and walked to the Seer who sat in the grass with his beloved owl. "Could you try and help (Y/n) relax a bit please?" She seemed desperate for their help to which he nodded happily. "(Y/n) are you working your heart overtime again?" Fiona called as she stood up. You were about to say no, but a glare from Emily had you whisper out a meek yes. "Me and Eli are pros at this kinda thing so don't worry!"

"Actually Fiona could you help me instead?" The red head girls eyes widened and she nodded. "Sure sure! What are we gonna do?" Emily began walking off with the horned girl and spoke of the chores you were going to help with. "(Y/n)." You jumped at the deep voice that called your name. Why did she take Fiona away? You felt it was done on purpose.

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