♠︎ Scars - Emily x Naib

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Today was everyone's check up day in the manor. Emily being the Doctor was to check everyone's health, even the Hunters. The process took a good day to get everyone completely checked. But she always has one stubborn person refuse. Naib. The cold mercenary declined her checkups and always insisted he was fine.

Though she noticed on one round how he seemed to work up quite a sweat from his kiting, she was surprised he didn't have a heat stroke. His normal attire was as if he was taking a small walk while winter came in. Though the grounds looked cold and desolate, it could feel like a good 80 degrees trying to run from a hunter and decode under pressure.

So she always wondered why he never thought to at least uncover his arms. He even got weaker, saying he wasn't hungry when he was just being stubborn to not sit with anyone.

"Are you okay Miss Dyer?" Emily hopped from her thoughts to remember what she was doing. "Ah, I'm fine Jack, sorry." She quickly apologized and went back to finishing his check up. "My friends say you've been quite distracted all day. They're worried you're not feeling well." Jack was very nice when he wasn't trying to kill anyone, so you enjoyed the checkups with the Hunters. They would joke and chit chat about what they wished they could do like travel and such. Though you didn't think they'd take intrist in some measly doctors feelings. "You are our Doctor Miss Dyer, you make sure we are healthy all the time but no one can check up on you." That probably had some deep meaning to it. "I can assure you I'm very healthy, just worried. One of us hasn't had a check up in a good few months and it worries me. He's not doing so well from my perspective."

He hummed in reply. "Could it be that green fellow?" Emily giggles at the description. "Naib? Yes." She stood up and put her things away since she was now done. "I have noticed him being a lot slower than usual, even with his little trinket. I fear I also may have hurt him quite badly in today's match. If you're ever gonna check up on that kid, I'd do it now." You nodded sweetly. "I'll try, let's hope he doesn't come up with another silly excuse though." His face wasn't visible but she could feel him smile as he stood as well. "You're as healthy as you were a couple weeks ago. Try to eat some more protein though, it'll help you from being drowsy in your matches." He started walking out to leave, "You're very kind Miss Dyer, good luck." and he was gone. For being someone who used to kill woman all over, he was quite a gentleman.

Though now her priority had changed. Naib was surely in his room, and if Jack believed he had done a serious amount of damage that shouldn't be to good. His regular hits always left decently sized scratch marks on us many of times, but he always said those were baby hits. So a serious hit couldn't be just a scratch.

Emily started walking to his room, hopefully to at least give him the medical supplies to patch himself up. On her way she ran into Emma. "Oh, Emily!" The small girl ran up to her, stopping herself right in from of the doctor. "Are you checking up on Naib?" How'd she know? "Yes I am, why do you ask." She sighed. "Well, I kinda knew he wouldn't go to your checkup even though they're the best- but in the match he actually yelled kinda loud than he usually does. I think Mr. Ripper really hurt him, he's a mercenary so I thought he was okay but those are literal knife fingers! And, and, he looked really weak on our way out so i-!"

Emily placed her gloves hands on the freckles girls shoulders. "Calm down, I'm going to see him right now. Go run along and see if your flowers have grown yet." She jumped up, forgetting of her garden since today was so busy. She ran off thanking Emily, but the dress wearing girl was only more worried after what she heard. She had calmed Emma down about it but no one was there to stop her own worry. So she sped up her walking before making it to his door in the long empty hall way.

She knocked a couple times. "Naib, are you in there? Could you open the door please?" It was quiet, and the longer she waited for a response her anxiety and annoyance only worsened. She just wanted to sleep after all this. So she knocked again, hoping for a response. "Are you dead?" Nothing. Okay maybe he was. She jiggled the door knob and to her surprise, it was unlocked. "I'm coming in then."

IdentityV - Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें