☁︎ Caring - Wu Chang x Reader

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This kinda sucks qwq

You were in a match against the very famous Wu Chang on Arms Factory. The Survivors of your team didn't like him very much. However, Naib had been kiting him very well all match. Though during your decoding you felt your heart beating quicker and quicker. You were in the tight closed area near the front exit gate. Pallets laid at almost all the places of entry. You looked behind and to your right, seeing Naib running. He slid over the pallet that had been knocked down earlier.

You scampered on out of there seeing Wu Chang close behind the green hooded male. He seemed... very aggravated. Even his hits were so aggressive you thought the pallet would break instantly. As you watched from a distance, hoping they would leave the area since your cipher was almost done, you seen Naib's skillful kiting. You wish you could be good like him but you weren't that fast.

Finally after what seemed like ages the alarm for the gates went off and you seen Wu Chang snap. It was black currently, so you weren't surprised. He was said to be the most ruthless out of the two. Naib had only one of his boosts left so he'd have to make it count.

You watched from nearby as Helena was opening the gate and seen Black swing very hard, though that's when Naib decided to use it and run towards the now open exit gate. Your eyes shift to the green blur that ran past you though, they lingered on the Hunter who had swung so hard that when the Mercenary had dodged his umbrella had snapped in two.

"(Y/n) the gates open!" You heard Helena call for you and Martha must have ran out the opposite door. But you were too intrigued to see what would happen. Your eyes caught what appear to be black goop come out of the now snapped umbrella. "Ow!" You jumped for a second. There were two now. You didn't think that was possible. Helena ran away, seeing with her cane what happened and being over come by fear. Though you did not and were actually quite worried. "A-are you okay?" You jogged over too them, and Naib face palmed at your actions. Too nice for your own good he would tell you sometimes.

When you got there White was holding his back and Black seemed surprised more than angry. Whites eyes landed on you and he looked surprised before sighing. "I'm fine." He could capture you easily if he wanted but when you were so concerned with his health it would've been such a low move. "How about you?" You asked Black. He didn't answer though. White looked up and seemed just as surprised. "Y-You've never been simultaneously out? Not even in your side of the manor?" Black shook his head.

They seemed to be taking in this whole thing at the moment so you went and grabbed the umbrella. It looked like a normal umbrella now. You picked up both pieces and walked back. "Uhm, here you are." You showed the umbrella to whoever would take it, but White grabbed it ever so suddenly. "Is this why it felt like someone snapped me in half?!" Ah a fight. "So what? You're fine now right!?" They started pushing each other like siblings fighting over who gets the last cookie. You decided to barge in before they could hurt each other. A moment like this and the first thing they do is bicker. "W-well I could help heal you. I'm a Herbalist."

They stopped fighting and White's whole attitude seemed to change from agitated to sweet. "Ah that's okay don't worry yourself with me little one." He gave your hair a ruffle. "No it's okay! I could heal you up right quick. We could also try and fix your umbrella. He seemed hesitant at first but then obliged. "If you insist dear, it still does hurt." He crouched down to your level and gave you a smile which you returned. "You idiot do you know what they'll do with her!?" Black shouted, I mean what could they possibly do? "With us- me there, nothing should happen to her." He smiled triumphantly, and held his hand out to you.

You were about to take it til your one teammate who didn't leave grabbed your wrist. "What are you doing!?" You looked up and seen Naib. You all of a sudden felt a pain in your wrist, he must've grabbed it harder than he thought. "Ow-." "C'mon we're going back." He started dragging you to the exit gate before you seen a large hand take Naib's off of your wrist and you were picked up. He turned around, green eyes gazing up angrily. "Don't touch me!" You shouted. "Apologies, but I wouldn't have had to if you knew how to treat this young lady with respect." Naib seemed to not like the idea of White telling him the way he acted was not appropriate. "Not to mention I could still put you on a rocket chair." Black said from behind with a threataning smirk. Naib humphed and turned around to walk away, and there he left you.

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