♠︎ Auction - Infected Naib x Reader

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You stood across from what was to be a bidding for rare items and creatures. There was currently a girl with wooden horns and flowers scattered across her very green attire. She looked magical almost, if only the dread on her face wasn't so apparent. The bidding had stopped with their enchanted items and moved onto beings. Humans almost, but had features or powers no one could explain. Hence the horned girl being bid for right now.

You looked to your friend Emily in dismay. She was a good person, and lived in the forest with a friend of hers. They didn't like this event, not at all. It felt as if they were protruding on the magic of the world and slowly killing it off. She wore a dirty brown robe to cover her bright orange hair, and peculiar green clothes from view.

"Do we have 500?" A gruff and eager voice called to the crowd who stayed in silence. That was a lot of money. Of course everyone was hesitant, but nearly a second later, a gloved hand came up from the group of people. Eyes shifted to him, but he didn't say anything. "He's got her." Emily said with a small smile.

The bid was closed on the girl and people started to walk away. As you shifted next to Emily who was patiently standing there, you seen two figures make there way to you in the same robe Emily was wearing. "Good job, Eli." The Orange haired female complimented the man who wore a birds mask. He smiled and handed her the left over money.

Her eyes skimmed it for a moment. "Where'd the other 400 I gave you go? She was 500, and you only have 100 here." He tensed up but quickly whispered. "They wanted me to sign these sketchy papers for her, so I gave them the 400 in return for no paperwork." She scrunched her eyebrows but her expression softened. "Very well, as long as we have her safe."

Emily placed her hand against the shaking girls cheek. "Don't fret, we will take care of you." She gave a smile of an angel as the horned girl slowly warmed to her. "That's right, you have nothing to fear." Eli patted the girls head best he could to not touch her horns. She gladly felt pleasured with the affection after being treated like an animal for so long.

"You shouldn't worry anymore, do you have a name?" You said to the girl, reaching for her face. "Fiona-!" but a shout from the stage she was just on halted her. "This one starts at 500!" Emily and Eli shared looks of shock and dismay. The horned girl looked guilty, as she had been what they used the extra money for.

You and Eli ran up to the stage to see who was being auctioned now. Usually it was just one, so they never thought to use their money keenly. They only had 100 dollars left. Your eyes and Eli's took sight of a wolf hybrid looking boy. He had obviously been ruffed up a bit by the marks on his face and arms. Poor thing.

You panicked. What could you do? Starting off at 500? That's too much! But then- no one would bid on him-! "600!" A man from the back yelled. Your heart dropped to your stomach and Eli only scowled to himself. For a moment you made eye contact with the beaten up boy. He seemed empty, but there was still a longing for freedom. So you did the only thing you could do. "800!" You stuttered out. "900!" The man yelled back aggravated. "(Y/n)-." Eli called painfully low. You stepped forward and rose your hand once more. "1000!"

Nothing came after that. "Sold little lady!" You smiled, but it was strained ,after all, that was 1000 dollars you threw out. But when you seen the boys eyes catch yours in serenity, you forgot all about the work you'd have to do to make up for it. "Right back here Miss." The man gestured to you. With a pat of Eli's hand you hesitantly went back behind the old run down stage.

There he was, rubbing his once tied up wrists. "Alright Missy, here he is. Bet you'll have him doing some heavy work huh?" The man asked, arms crossed. "Huh? Oh um! Yes!" You scrambled through your bag and pulled out everything you had in your wallet today. The exchange hurt as you passed off your days of hard work. But at least this wolf fella would be 'free'.

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