Danse Macabre: Sapping Sting

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Seeing Joe fall to the ground Doc carefully helps him up to his feet. "What happened in there?"

Joe shakes his head, "I was asking Avar why he's doing this to us..."

Doc frowns softly, "What did he say?"

Swallowing hard Joe looks up, "He said he wants to destroy the Vex. They are the reason he's like this. Doc, he's hurting... I don't know how I should feel."

"You talked with him, I think the fact he let you says something about him. He's a horrible person for doing this to us but, I trust you."

Joe's face falls as he unconsciously licks his teeth, "I think he's a lonely, broken man who is lost in his want for justice. He thinks he's unredeemable."

Frowning Doc glances over at the dark screen in the corner of the room. Standing up he hisses quietly in the back of his throat, "And how do you feel?"

"I-I think something might be happening," Joe looks up at Doc, his glasses knocked partly to the side, "My mouth has been feeling a little weird, it's gotten worse as we've been talking."

Walking over Doc silently opens Joe's mouth, "Yeah you've got fangs budding."

Pulling away from the creeper, Joe puts his head down on the table, "Unfortunately, I assume that this will tell us nothing about what's happening."

Doc nods, "Fangs don't work as a good tell, it's too common of a thing..."

Joe cracks a small sad smile, "That's a sentence I never thought I would hear."

Snorting Doc rolls his eyes, "What has our life become, man... seriously though does anything else feel weird?"

"I don't know, I might be in shock but everything is sorta... overwhelming."

"I'll ask again later," Doc smiles.

"Unless you need something could I go to my base?"

"Yeah, that's fine," Doc murmurs, "Are you tired?"

Joe nods, "The transformations drain some energy don't they?"

Doc squints, "Sometimes, normally it's during really extreme transformations."

Pulling his communicator out Joe inspects his newly formed fangs. They've stopped growing by this point and they are sharp. Poking over his lips they glint softly. Carefully he tucks his fangs into his mouth for a moment, before deciding that it's a lot more comfortable to let them poke out just a little.

As they start making their way to the winery Joe squints in the bright sunlight, "So what do you think will happen?" His fangs causing him to lisp heavily.

"I'm not sure," Doc mutters, "Could be anything, all we know is fangs, something with your ears and it looks like you're at least a little bit nocturnal..."

"That's a bit concerning and why do you say nocturnal?"

Doc shrugs, "You look like it's a bit bright even though we're flying with the sun behind us."

Joe frowns, as he pokes at his fangs for a moment, "Ok, that's weird."

Landing in the grass surrounding Joe's base, Doc laughs, "It'll get worse."

Frowning Joe shakes his head, and yawns. He waves to Doc as he enters his base, they agree to meet up in the morning. Stumbling into his bedroom he collapses into his bed.

Rubbing his lip he winces as his finger is cut by the fangs. The irony smell of the blood smells different than normal. Licking the blood off he waits for the small cut to stop bleeding before falling asleep.

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