Comfort Is found In Words And Actions- Evil Xisuma

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Exy looks over the lava lake and frowns. The normally welcoming heat of the nether had turned against him. The warm air rises and that unfortunately makes him float up to the roof more often than not. Currently he's grounded himself and is lost in his thoughts.

Thankfully the others have placed ropes all over the nether so he never gets stuck. It's kind of them to do all this when just two worlds ago he was threatening to kill them. It's almost strange how they fully accepted him regardless of what he had done.

A quiet rusle from behind draws his attention, "Howdy there, Exy what brings you to this lake?"

Shrugging Exy looks over, "I'm just thinking."

"Do you mind sharing with me?" Joe calmly asks as he sits next to the trickster.

"I've tried to do horrible things to you guys, and you didn't even hesitate to take me in. Why?"

Joe sighs, "Well, you've never done anything with lasting consequences and you helped us save Xisuma. Even though he left you in the void."

"He's the only family I have left, I couldn't leave him."

"And you are our family, you're a good person," Joe explains pulling him in and giving him a hug.

"I've always been the 'evil twin' sorta overlooked, standing in his shadow. My friends becoming his friends and leaving me alone," Exy nearly sobs.

"Hey, we won't leave you if that's what you're worried about," Joe murmurs as he makes sure Exy wont float off, "Your you're own person you shouldn't have to live in your brothers shadow."

"Thanks," Exy reluctantly grumbles, slightly embarrassed that he needs an anchor.

"It's nothing," Joe smiles.

Exy looks up at Joe, "This whole thing is kinda annoying."

Joe motions for him to continue.

"If I'm not concentrating, I'll just float off into the void," he shudders softly before continuing, "I always have to be with someone else or go as fast as possible. It's kinda useful for building but not much else."

"Floating would seem fun at first glance but really just makes more challenges?" Joe asks.

"Yeah, the teleportation sorta like that as well," Exy huffs, "Oh no, I can't control where I land. So, the only thing to do is rapid fire teleporting. That won't end well."

Joe nods, wincing in sympathy. He's had quite a few unfortunate experiences with ender pearls.

"It's ok, when I have time, then I can actually plan where I'll land."

Smiling softly Joe nods for Exy to continue.

"Controlling the weather isn't too bad, I mean you will all know what I'm feeling but sometimes that's ok. You guys always show up and ask me how I'm doing," Looking down he whispers, "It helps me a lot."

"I'm glad that helps you, if you ever need anything you can come to me."

"Thank you, Joe you're amazing."

"Aw, why thank you," Joe grins.

Exy laughs, "With my transformation it's like the meteor couldn't resist doing something physical. What was the point of changing my ears," He motions to the slightly pointed ears.

"Well, he's probably drawing off of something from his life."

"Yeah, that's probably true, that or he just felt like it."

Joe nods and laughs quietly, "Well, that's a good point."

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