Gold Should not be a food, yet here we are

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"Hello Tango," Hels murmurs, spreading his wings out, "I had a question for you."

Worming around on the couch Tango pops his head over the back and looks at Hels, "What can I do for you?"

"So you can eat gold right?"

"That i can," Tango spreads his wings and grins, "Want to see?"

"Sure," Hels hands Tango a gold nugget.

Tango laughs, "You sure came prepared," He bites a chunk out."

Shrugging, Hels backs up and rubs his neck, "I think I can eat gold as well..."

He swallows hard, "Hmm, wouldn't be too surprising," Tango hums, "Meteor likes to repeat some of the smaller stuff."

"That's true," Hels hums slightly, "I'll see you around."

Tango waves, "See you."

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