How Three Became One 3: battle

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As they walk up to the farm house they pause. The pit of ooze is a lot bigger than the farmer had said and it's still growing.

A tall man with ash colored skin and empty rotting eye sockets stands in the middle of the withering area.

Menko carefully walks forwards towards the man, "Hello there."

The form turns and grins harshly with sharpened teeth, "Hello."

Clearly surprised he got this far Menko stutters, "Uh what are you doing here?"

"I am the end of all things. I have possessed this vessel in order to poison and wither this world."

"Ok, is there any way I could get you to not do that?" Avar asks flatly.

The form gives a harsh grating laugh, "You can not."

Creed grins baring her fangs, "So what's your name?"

"My name is Hecatos," And with that, he pulls his blade out.

Creed easily ducks out of the way. The others scatter. Eunoia throws a handful of seeds at him and they explode into large bright yellow flowers.

Hecatos pulls them off as they one by one start to explode leaving Burning scorch marks where everything they hit.

A cracking beam of bright blue energy hits him head on as the small white dragon slams into his back, Menko pulls his hand back and readies another spell.

Gadget takes careful aim and shoots a blast of fire towards him, he pulls his crossbow out and loads some bolts into it.

Rushing towards him, Aver swings his blade and with a sickening crack it meets the other's blade.

The fight continues on for what seems like ages, until Hecatos rushes forwards and disappears.

The five stand stunned at the small paper that had appeared, then Gadget falls to the ground. Small black roses grow from the earth and Creed runs over to him.

Dousing him in all the healing Potions she has Creed looks up at the others and shakes her head.

"No," Avar barks as Menko wraps him in a hug.

In a matter of minutes five had become four.


It isn't until weeks later than they manage to go to his house to look through his things..

The majority of the building is empty, save for one bedroom and a well stocked work room. An odd looking Metal humanoid is leaning against a wall.

Swallowing Menko takes Avar's hand in his, "What is that?"

"Looks like a person..." Eunoia mutters as she inspects the strange looking device.

Creed walks up to it and looks back, "It's a construct... I don't think it's fully functional."

Aver walks over to the construct, "He didn't finish it... but it still holds his mark," a small gear stamped into the ankle.

"Look over here," Creed calls back her tail swishing out of the way as she turns, "He's got a bunch of stuff over here."

The others walk over and gasp at the crossbows littering the area.

"He was well stocked," Creed laughs sadly.

Eunoia nods "He did his best to make us things."

The four look around and their eyes land on Aver. His expression clouded in grief he turns from his family and runs.

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