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"Come on Min Young will you just pick one already," The girls were moaning behind Min Young.

They had picked a day to go out shopping for their dresses for the upcoming party at the mansion. The others had managed to find their perfect dresses but Min Young was unsure which one to get. They were both black dresses but she just couldn't decide. One dresses was a short black dress with a train attached to the back. The other was a strapless straight dress and a with a gap running from the hip down. 

"Min Young if you don't pick one right now then we are leaving both dresses here and you can go to the party in rags!" 

"Stop nagging me! I can't pick which one to wear! I love them both!" Min Young snapped. She was getting annoyed at their continuous mutterings. She wanted to make sure that she picked the perfect dress and she wanted to pick one that Yoongi would love. 

"Please can you help me pick a dress?" Min Young asked her friends. She really needed their help on this. She was going mental trying to figure out which dress by herself.

"I personally like the second one," Eun Jung said. The other girls were nodding or thinking. 

 "Same and it also goes with the dresses that we have. You would be standing out like a sore thumb with the other dress. To me its just to big and out there." Ara said. 

"Yeah it's not like this is a wedding or an award show or something," Hyun popped in the conversation.

"Okay so put the other back and choose this one?" Min Young asked. They all agreed. 

"Plus this one also gives you a nice figure and doesn't hide it," Eun Jung said holding the first dress by the sides and pulling it out. 

Min Young grabbed the first dress that was on the rail and placed it back in its original place in the store. She grabbed the second one and took it to the checkout. The cashier scanned it and bagged the dress. Min Young payed for the dress with her card and took the handles of the bag and met her friends at the door. 

They made their way to the food court with their purchased. Eun Jung and Min Young went to the queue while the others went to find a table. 

"Okay so do you want to practice or just do our own thing until the correct time?"

Min Young cocked her head in thought. "I think we should do our own thing as that will add variety as we both have different styles."

"Yeah I agree with you. That will probably be better. But then when one of us throws the sign that's when we go into action."

"Exactly," Min Young said.

Eun Jung let out a small chuckle as they continued waiting in the queue. "We are so going to be in trouble for this."

"Yeah but it will definitely be worth it though if the plan goes correctly," Min Young said with a smirk. 

Both had a shared laugh over their plan. They were both imagining what would happen. They couldn't wait. It should prove to be an interesting and exciting night. 

They eventually got to the first of the line and placed their orders for themselves and their friends. When it was ready they grabbed the food and went to try and find their friends. Which proved to be hard to do. They had grabbed a table that was hidden at the back in a corner. 

"Seriously? Where we would have trouble finding you?" Min Young groaned. The food was heavy and she wanted to put it all down.

"We didn't want to be near anyone. Not after what happened last time," Hyun quipped. 

"We still ain't going on about this are we?" Min Young rolls her eyes and places the food down on the table before taking her sit.

"Oh my god will you ever stop moaning?!"

"No! The food was heavy and I wanted to put it down and you had to pick the table that was the furthest away. How about next time you grab the food and we will see if you complain or not!"

Min Young and Hyun kept arguing with each other. The others looked on amused by the bickering pair, quietly eating the food. They eventually quietened down and tuck into the food as well before the rest of them consumed it all and left nothing for them. They passed the rest of the time eating before clearing the table and going to find shoes and other bits and pieces that would match their outfit. 

The sun had set two hours earlier before they had finally left the stores. They all had at least bags bags between them. They placed them in the back of the car. Some had to go into the car that was trailing them home that held their bodyguards. 

Back at the mansion the girls snuck the bags upstairs into Min Young's room and hide them in the back of her walk-in closet. They didn't want the boys to see them. They wanted to surprise them on the night of the evening. 

After quickly trying to hide the bags, they flung themselves on the bed. They were all red and breathing heavy from rushing up the stairs, into the bedroom and then trying to hide the bags quickly before any of them came into the room. They let out little giggles, even though there was no reason for them to be laughing. 

"We need to come here as soon as we have had breakfast and start getting ready," Ara said.

"Why do we need to start that early?" Mia asked

"Well for one you take forever to get ready. You need a whole day yourself. But we will all probably sleep in a bit and may not have anything to eat until about ten or eleven. The party starts at five so that gives us about seven or eight hours to get ready. Seen as we will all want to have a wash and then get dressed, do our hair and makeup and maybe even other things it will help if we give ourselves plenty of time. Also we will be messing around while we get ready so it makes sense," Eun Jung quipped.

"That's very true," Mia agreed with a little grin on her face.

Min Young grabbed her phone and speaker and connected them together. She pressed play and music came through the speaker and filled the room. It was Exo, The Eve. The girls cheered and started to sing along. Some even got off the bed or stood on the bed and began dancing. 

They spent the rest of the evening like that, the tv on in the background on silent in case they wanted to watch whatever was currently on. Eventually one by one they fell asleep. They turned the music off but left the tv on. They cuddled under blankets either on the floor or on the bed.

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