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"Oh my god! Min Young will you please hurry the hell up! We need to leave shortly!"

"Damn keep your hair on will you. I told you I'd be ready on time," Min Young says as she turns the corner at the top of the stairs and makes her way down to her friends who are waiting for her at the front door, looking impatient with their arms crossed.

"What the hell were you doing?" Eun Jung asks her as Min Young comes up to her side.

"I went to the bathroom," She replies opening up the door and walking out. "Seen as we are walking over there and I don't want to end up needing the toilet and have no where to go."

Eun Jung just shakes her head at her friend. "Do you have your money, phone and charger?"

Min Young just looks at her as if she was stupid. "No I decided that I would leave it all at home and then steal the clothes from the store and so I wouldn't message Yoongi so he can worry when I don't message him saying I am coming home," she says rolling her eyes and chuckling while shaking her head and facing the path in front of her again.

"Don't give me sarcasm or I'll slap you."

"I think you'll find that I just did though."

The other girls are beginning to laugh or are trying to hold it all in, their faces turning a light shade of red. 

"I swear to god, you two are like an old married couple with the way you both go at each other sometimes," Mia pipes up from behind the girls.

"Jealous?" Min Young turns to face her with a slight smile.

"Yeah no. You act like children more than actual children do," Mia scoffs and slightly pushes Min Young.

They carry on walking towards the shopping centre, taking jabs at each other along the way. They get to the edge of town quickly and Ara calls for a taxi to come and pick them up to take them the rest of the way to the stores. It's a safety precaution that everyone takes if they don't have a car that they can drive to ensure that strangers don't know where BTS are housed.

The taxi arrives ten minutes later and they all pile in, still laughing and poking fun at each other, while being careful not to let anything slip about the gang. They arrive at the shopping centre in just under forty-five minutes and get out paying each their share of the fare. 

They make their way into the complex of stores and instantly go to a food store so they can buy breakfast and sit down and eat it. 

"Min Young do they know about-," Ara says quietly to her.

Min Young just looks at her and shakes her head. 

"What do we know about or don't?" Hyun says turning to face Min Young and Ara who are sat at the edge of the table against the wall facing each other. Hyun was sat next to Ara with Eun Jung facing her and Mia was sat at the very end.

Ara and Min Young just look at each other. Although Min Young was looking at her slightly irritated, Ara was bothered in the least and was looking at her with urging eyes, wanting her to tell the others. The other girls just looked on, confusion and curiosity on their faces. 

"I hate you sometimes," Min Young mumbled but turned to the others. "I like Yoongi."

The girls weren't quiet like Ara was when Min Young dropped her news bomb. They started to squeal and clap. Multiple questions were fired at Min once the squealing had stopped. They were excited for their friend as it was rare for her to like someone. The last time she did it was nearly 5 years ago and it did not go well. 

Mafia Love//Bts (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now